29 years old. Canada. Still getting the hang of this. Still using phone camera (sorry for crappy quality), because I always have it on me. Still forgetting to take pictures most of the day, lol. No warnings, except if you don't like chicken in slow-cooker, Oreos or cartoons. Oh, and some pictures of a recently deceased thespian.
Too early...
Downside of having short hair and moving around in my sleep.
Put my ears in.
A little better, but still not awake yet.
Switched my backpack for my purse for the day.
Heading out.
To the grindstone.
Someone left this on my desk (I thought it was a colleague who asked for a couple packets and I mentioned I needed to stock up again, but no, it was another colleague (my mom) down the hall)
Time to go home!
The reason I have to wait 15-20 minutes for a bus if I leave work on time.
Music time!
Realized I forgot to read one of my favourite comics.
Decide to check my calendar to see if I have anything for the rest of the week.
Almost home!
Building door.
Home sweet home! Er... where is the man? (Spoiler: sleeping)
Check on dinner that he was nice enough to put on for me, mid-sleep cycle.
Check livejournal while I wait for dinner to be done.
Cry a little.
Add the last little bit and wait some more...
Watch one of my favourite shows.
Decided to do laundry and head out to...
... the store.
On our way back.
I treated myself.
One of my favourite episodes.
Then we got distracted and finished laundry before falling asleep.