So, I'm helping to lead a retreat at school next week and wrote a talk. The topic is: we are called. It's the first one read during the day, which is why I talk about how to act throuhgout the day, etc. Can everyone read it, make comments, help me to expand on the topic?
Imagine a parent and their new born baby. The infant can do nothing for its parents - it has no money, no skills and no knowledge. It cannot contribute to the family and is completely helpless. Yet, a mother or father's love for their child is everlasting and full of devotion. It doesn't matter what the baby lacks, he or she is perfect through the adult's eyes. Our parents love us today, even though we may lie to them, fight with them or deliberately disobey them. If humans, people full of sin, can love each other that much, how great must God's love be for us?
Since the beginning of time, God has put a mark on each human, a desire in our hearts to know what is beyond us and this world. We all search for a higher power and an explanation for this life. God calls us with this longing. He wants us to find him and his unwavering love. By becoming Christians we acknowledge His call. We have answered God.
However, just because we have responded to his invitation does not mean that we are off the hook. Christianity doesn't guarantee all the right answers and an easy, perfect life. We make mistakes. We sin, sometimes knowingly. But, God loves us. It's just that simple. The Bible says that, "God loved the world so much that he gave his one and only son so that whomever believes in Him may not be lost, but have eternal life." While his son was on the cross, God forgave us and every generation to come. The parents I mentioned in the beginning - I doubt any would give up their child to save people they didn't know from suffering. And definitely not humans who could possibly reject them, disrespect them or refuse to believe in them. Despite this uncertainty, God continues to call us. He gives us a shoulder to cry on, an ear to listen and a finger that slowly beckons us to find him. More than anything, He wants us to follow Him, to follow His teachings and lessons until we discover Him and His love, in Heaven.
God gave us this life. He wants us to develop our talents and gifts, find our passions and be overjoyed at being alive. By answering his call we can do all of this. God gives us a new purpose in life, a higher standard to live for. On my own confirmation retreat a friend gave me this quote that I would like to share with all of you, "When I say, 'I am a Christian,' I'm not shouting, 'I am saved,' I'm whispering, 'I was lost.' That is why I chose this way. I don't speak of this with pride; I'm confessing that I stumble and need someone to be my guide. I'm not trying to be strong; I'm professing that I'm weak and pray for strength to carry on. I'm not bragging of success; I'm admitting I have failed and cannot ever pay the debt. I'm not claiming to be perfect, my flaws are so visible, but God believes I'm worth it. I do not wish to judge; I have no authority. I only know that I am loved."
As you begin this retreat, remember that God is calling us as Christians to a full, everlasting commitment. It is not always easy to wake up early on Sunday mornings or defend yourself from insults and assumptions made about what you believe. It is not a life of leisure; it is much easier to let go, not commit yourself to anything, not to hold yourself and judge yourself by any godly standards. But, by answering his call, you receive endless benefits. After all, who loves you more, protects you more and judges you less than God?