Sep 23, 2008 19:26

Forgot how long it takes to get stuff on the website- did not get to watch the film been steadily working through my dance wardrobe. I've got some lovely costumes for sale and priced well to sell I think.
Decided to make this the Grand retirement sale-a bit early I know but then I can
use the money for dance stuff-trips and that. So am keeping very ( Read more... )

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Comments 2

mellilah_dance September 27 2008, 15:23:23 UTC
Hey diva_c I didn't realise you had an LJ too! Now I can talk to you here instead of hijacking poor Beafarhana's LJ (my e-mail system is terrible at the moment, really need to sort it out but it isn't anywhere near the top of my 'to do' list). Anyway, just wanted to say hi, although when I see you at JoY I am going to try to talk you out of're far too young and you're dancing's better than ever :-)

Me...well I'm off to stuff myself with chocolate so that those costumes will fit me...but the next time we're in Cairo together I'll also be encouraging you to buy some more ! (LOL)


diva_c September 27 2008, 20:09:39 UTC
Hi me dear, glad to say hi and meet you in cyberspace/LJ land.
looking forward to chats at JOY
See you soon.


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