Jadwal Kuliah
09.20-11.00 - Art History
11.20-13.00 - Character Building
13.20-15.00 - Nirmana Datar (have no idea how to trans that one -___-;;)
15.20-17.00 - Nirmana Datar (all I know is in this class we learn about lines, shapes, compositions, etc)
...not really. i'm sure this is the day for us to DO ALL THE ASSIGNMENTS DDDD: there's no such thing as a real holiday for an Art student! T___T
07.20-09.00 - Computer Graphic I
09.20-11.00 - Computer Graphic I
13.20-15.00 - Color Theory (so far this is the most awaited class for me XD)
15.20-17.00 - Color Theory
09.20-11.00 - English
11.20-13.00 - Drawing I
13.20-15.00 - Drawing I
...OH NO. SATURDAY. the used-to-be day i play around happily. has the tightest schedule so far. NOOOOOOO DDD: and only one day off? aaaarghh. and now I have to reschedule my piano lesson to thursday 17.00. mehhh...
jadwal iniiii... membunuhkuuuu *nyanyi*
okay, I think it's time for me to go to sleep now. tomorrow I have to prepare everything for college. buy things like brushes, pallete, poster colors, new sketchbooks, etc etc. well.. see ya, er.... next time I update heheheheh :D