1. Reply to this post, and I will pick six/seven of your icons.
2. Make a post (including the meme info) and talk about the icons I chose.
3. Other people can then comment to you and make their own posts.
4. This will create a never-ending cycle of icon squee. Whoo!
spotts1701 chose, well, all of mine ;)
This was the very first icon I uploaded to my fresh new LJ. I found myself an icon of Ise Nanao from Bleach because she has certain similarities with me (the whole dark hair and glasses thing, plus the fact that she is an anal-retentive paper pusher :P) This icon was made by
hermonthis, I don't recall where I ganked it from.
This one, I made myself; it was in use on GAFF for a while, as well. When I saw the Reload episode in which THAT facial expression came up, I went "Thanks for the perfect 'WHUT' face, Sanzo!" Found myself a screencap and doctored around on it for about 2 minutes, and this is the result! XD
I got this from a former LJ user named "retake" (they're not active under that name any more). I think I found it in a Xenosaga icon community. It worked for me since XenoIII-Shion did indeed bitch a whole lot (she had a bit of HP5-Harry going on in that game, only with less CAPS-LOCK) and I needed an icon for ranting.
I'm pretty sure I snatched that from someone on fandom_wank, because I very much approved of Urahara going "LIEK OMG" Valley Girl style :P
I saw my LJ friend
janscottfrazier post using this icon, and I thought it was awesome. Yeah, LaVey was a crook, but he was an awesome RL troll, and the addition of the Apple slogan underneath just made the damn thing! So I asked her if she'd mind if I used it, and she didn't. Thanks again, Jan! <3
I found this in one of the PW communities I recently joined (I believe it was in
gyakuten_saiban). The person who made it maintains an icon journal under
graphfix_this. Uptight Edgeworth + profanity? My favorite combination! :D
Okay, and now it's late as all get out and I get to enjoy my kanji study-o-rama again tomorrow (heh, yeah, enjoy... learning so many kanji in just ten weeks is bloody torture, but I signed up for it, now I need to get through it. If you don't see me online for a while, this would be why). Night night!