
Mar 17, 2005 16:52

Shamelessly pilfered from raginghobbit!

First job: Ringing groceries at Fortin’s Market.
First screen name: MearaSkye
First self purchased tape: Billy Joel’s Storm Front.
First funeral: Mrs. Cunningham.
First credit card: Mastercard.
First love: I suppose it was my foolish interest in Derek Getchell in third grade.
First enemy: Jacqueline Kievit.
First big trip: To California with my mother and grandmother when I was four.
First concert: Amy Grant at the Centrum. (And it will ALWAYS be the Centrum, never mind this “DCU Center” crap.)
First musician you remember hearing in your house: Fleetwood Mac.

Last big car ride: Drove to and from New Haven on Sunday.
Last kiss: March 1. I got two! [Sniffle] Boy all gone until whenever. :-(
Last library book checked out: Wicked.
Last movie seen: Watched Gladiator while hemming my garb skirt Saturday night. Mmm, Russell Crowe...
Last phone call: Adam! :-)
Last CD played: Um, likely Sheryl Crow.
Last annoyance: I just toured 30 children of a variety of ages alone. [Shudder]
Last soda drank: Diet Coke at lunch.
Last ice cream eaten: I really don’t remember.
Last time scolded: My mother is always threatening to sell me and my dogs to the circus. Does that count?
Last shirt worn: Ecru flouncy floral thing I have on.
Last website visited: Neopets.

I AM: A smoldering liberal, sensible feminist, Romuvan Witch, and general lunatic. Also in need of more coffee.
I WANT: Josh to come home safely and soon.
I HAVE: A great many difficult/complicated/incomprehensible/unsolveable problems.
I WISH: More than anything...more than life...more than riches... Sorry. That Josh and I could be happy together again.
I HATE: My father. Fanatics. Ultra-conservatives. Hypocrites.
I FEAR: My government.
I HEAR: Fleetwood Mac and dogs.
I WONDER: Why the gods take such great delight in complicating my life.
I REGRET: Breaking someone’s heart.
I LOVE: Josh, my mother and grandmother (though I often threaten to kill them), my creatures, my Volkswagen, and coffee.
I ACHE: Because I have arthritis in my back!
I ALWAYS: Start my morning with coffee.
I AM NOT: A Republican.
I DANCE: Horrifically.
I SING: Alto.
I CRY: Because my heart is broken.
I WRITE: Well, I’m told.
I CONFUSE: Just about everyone, but especially Matt. He wears his baseball cap to protect his brain from Norah Logic.
I NEED: A break from just about everything.
I SHOULD: Figure out what to wear tonight, like soon!!
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