As I've mentioned on this journal before, I have been participating in Phase II of
sorkinverse over the course of the summer. It's a fantastic community and has been a really fun way to connect with other people on LiveJournal. It has also given me a great outlet to slowly ease myself into the world of graphic manipulation, which has probably been the most
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Comments 10
If I had the time, I'd go to battle with you about the later Wing seasons and how they don't force characters "out of character" and how they are, in at least one way, better than the earlier seasons. I have such hardcore love for all of the seasons, the later ones included, and I think they did just about everything right. Just sayin', I suppose. Makes me really sad when those seasons are hated on so much for reasons I just don't buy.
Also, making a list of favorites is so hard, for sure. I have a couple that are always on my list of favorites, but my list is fluid as well. Much of it seems to change depending on my mood. =)
And I...really disagree about CJ and Leo. I could get into it another time if you want, but I very much disagree. (Perhaps not with the "hard to watch", but I think that was part of the point and so was successful, but not out-of-character.) For now, I'll say that I think some of the things you mentioned added so much depth that was never there before and that they became so much more dimensional, changed in ways that were logical and made sense for them, were absolutely realistic. I can't really judge your like or dislike as a result of those changes, but I disagree with the idea that the changes were out of character.
I think what it boils down to is I'm increadibly loyal to certain characters, likely to my detriment. CJ was out of line with Donna during the lockdown; I have a bit of an issue. Leo was mean to Josh during the Carrick thing; I have a bit of an issue. I recognize that it is stupid and petty, so I suppose that's half the battle ;)
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