May 01, 2009 00:07
- 03:04 @ juliansimpson Funny that you asked that. I was thinking about it tonight. Now I just need to know if you're serious ;-) #
- 07:50 For those of you who missed this yesterday. I really would like your take on this, even if you think I'm wrong ;* #
- 07:52 And mornin'. ::grin:: I 'm trying to get ready for work and failing. Blog post issue was still in my head, so now I need to find my pants. #
- 08:59 Yay. At work. Have my caffeine and am now busily reading blog comments and tweets. You folks are all so eloquent. I love it. #
- 09:12 @ ToplessRobot Ooooh. More duct tape and trash bags? ::licks her lips in anticipation:: #
- 09:19 Very cool post from @portenint on 11 Internet Marketing Skills That Must Be Second Nature. Funny and informative! #
- 09:23 Okay, I'm stupid. What does Remaining API 0/100 and Twitter status: Rate Limit Exceeded mean on Tweetdeck? O.O #
- 09:24 @ cheekygene Seriously? ::blink:: That's...grrrr. #
- 09:29 @ cheekygene Ah. Now I get it. For a second there, I thought that was an answer. Whoops. Forgot to check the source ;-) #
- 09:30 To everyone else who decided to give me a real answer, thanks ;* Much appreciated. ::kissses:: #
- 09:41 @ rionic @Gianavel dropped a great concise answer. I'd say check it out ;-) #
- 09:42 RT @Enewsi New DC Direct and Diamond Select Items Available For Pre-Order at Entertainment Earth #
- 09:47 Catchphrase: "Did you not understand the meaning of DEAD" Fave: "Come Get Some" #zombietalk #
- 09:52 @ rionic I'm glad more than one of us got the info at the same time. Apparently I tweet a lot. Decided to update my bio as well. #
- 10:27 Ooooh boy. I think I'm in one of those moods. Snark may be imminent. >.< #
- 10:29 @ LizUK Question is, have you seen that Barbie? I discovered it on our website yesterday and almost snorted my Mountain Dew. #
- 10:46 @ portentint Is it bad that I want pics? #
- 10:58 @ portentint Not as bad as me thinking that likely means you did. ;-) #
- 11:02 @ cleolinda You realize I'm tempted to just send you one, right? #
- 11:09 @ cleolinda I don't have them in stock yet, but I think we got some more of the TLE inbound. Maybe I can send one... #
- 11:13 @ JINX Cortana #
- 11:36 Guys? I just literally growled. Out loud. Um...I may be turning into SheGeekHulk. Link shinies to distract me before I 'splode! #
- 11:44 @ portentint Wait...the body's in the Green River? O.O As in the Green River Killer? That Green River? #
- 11:51 @ portentint Well, if I remember correctly, isn't there still a question on if they have the killer? ::blush:: Sorry. Huge John Douglas fan. #
- 11:56 Geek "Ooh" Factor Check. I know nothing about Ratchet and Clank. Are these something I should tell my affiliates to push? #
- 12:07 @ Arumi_kai Still have my email on how you wanna do that? ;-) #
- 12:24 @ danfaust This sort of growling is not the best. This is the sort of snarling @JasonDTremblay mentioned. Rargh! #
- 12:26 I love the new Hot Toys Joker figure. It's so epic that I blogged about him -just- so you could see: #
- 12:28 @ thecraigmorris Pingu ;-) #
- 12:31 @ thecraigmorris I didn't. Send again? #
- 12:37 @ joshgeeksix I noticed that & am not happy about it. I'm already growly today, so don't make me angry. You wouldn't like me when I'm angry. #
- 12:51 Indeed! RT @thecraigmorris This is why I failed A-Level art. They wanted me to draw plants. Fuck that noise.: #
- 13:02 @ joshgeeksix Close. But I'm not that green ;-) #
- 13:08 @ elbeard Oh good. If you're staying alive and helping distressed damsels, I am distressed as well. Just sayin'. #
- 13:24 Y'know, looking back on my recent tweets, I wonder if maybe I have the Whine Flu? #
- 14:28 @ danfaust @cleolinda @Neurocat Why thank you. ::grin:: I like to try and "own" my emo. That way it doesn't get too overwhelming. #
- 15:04 Off to go help the wholesale diva be even more epic. But if you want to DM me stuff to entertain me for when I return, that works. ;-) #
- 15:59 @ accentonterp I'll growl at you. But you get a different one. ::growlpurr:: Rawr. #
- 16:47 @ hydeandgeek has come to my rescue during my attack of the Whine Flu to Guest Blog for me. He rescued you from my emo! #
- 17:03 RT @danfaust: *headdesk* {Agreed!} #
- 17:11 I think I earned getting to go home now. I think I did. Anyone? #
- 17:12 @ TrekMovie Oooh. That one I'll be home in time to watch ;-) #
- 17:21 I give myself permission. ::grin:: Night all and see you manana! Enjoy your movies. #
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