May 08, 2009 00:08
- 08:22 @ joshgeeksix Sounds good. As soon as I figure out that reincarnation thing, I'll get right on it ;-) #
- 08:24 Okay, have risen. I'm working on shining. Who as coffee and should I just assume it's all about Star Trek today? ;-) #
- 08:27 RT @danfaust: With each passing day, I understand Doctor Doom's motivations more and more. [I am now very scared] #
- 08:34 I dunno. Have people been sleeping out for a week for Star Trek? Is it that kind of epic? #
- 08:35 ::grin:: Not that sleeping out guarantees epic. I slept out for Phantom Menace and we know how -that- turned out. #
- 08:35 @ accentonterp Maybe so, but I get to see a great big "I love you" when you reply to me, so woot! #
- 08:38 Bah. Humbug. I liked the campouts. #
- 08:43 Well, no campouts means my request is going to be a bit tougher. Hm... #
- 08:45 But if you take pics or videos from the movie, you may want to hold onto them for something brewing at EE if I can swing it ;-) #
- 08:48 @ zerbetron ::laugh:: You tell him, gorgeous. #
- 08:50 @ geektrooper Scuse me, mister. ::grin:: I never said I was sleeping out for ST and I don't have tix yet. So settle down there, Sparky ;-) #
- 08:50 Gah, okay. I need to actually go -into- the office to continue this conversation. So, pause the cool and interesting till I get there. Mwah! #
- 09:27 I need feedback. Considering a little contest for my tweeps for ST weekend. Would one of the fragrances be a good prize? #
- 09:27 Or does it need to be an in stock Star Trek item to be more motivating? #
- 09:34 @ kmtirpitz Well, two of them are colognes, y'know. ::grin:: #
- 09:41 ::grin:: Okay. I shall see what I can make happen. ;-) #
- 09:55 Oooooh. I have a personal favor. I think I want one of those cool personalized Twitter backgrounds, but suck at graphics? Anyone wanna help? #
- 09:59 @ mspixieriot @CleverUserName Not sure. ::grin:: Hence my problem. Ooooh. Something from Vampire: The Masquerade? ;-) #
- 10:00 RT @qatesiuradewyo: Holy shit this is fantastic! RT @hubcomics: This one bears some retweeting: RT @Donna_Barr #
- 10:07 RT @lauralsweet: - Myslexic, A nude sculpture made of scrabble tiles: [This is very cool] #
- 10:10 New post on the EE Blog: From Guest Blogger @hydeandgeek (and it's #startrek related even!) (RT) #
- 11:15 @ fitzwillie I hope they fix our @technorati problem too! #
- 11:28 Gah! I got buried in work all of a sudden. That was crazy! #
- 11:45 Okay, what the heck. Mass headache of DOOM just attacked me. #
- 11:54 @ JorgeBarriosEtc Getting an error that says: Notice: Maintenance May 6, /ping/ is unavailble. Moving search so some results may be slow. #
- 11:57 @ JorgeBarriosEtc Currently, mine. But no results for 3 days on EE at all ;-( #
- 12:13 @ JorgeBarriosEtc Thanks for that. ;-) #
- 12:27 @ the_meghatron Yay! #
- 12:29 Quick Post on the EE Blog for you Dexter Fans ;-) #dexter #
- 12:34 @ seattlegeekly I vote flop! #
- 12:49 RT @thinkgeek: Geeks near Fairfax, VA! We suddenly have 2 extra (& free)tickets for a 1pm Star Trek showing tomorrow. Wanna go with us? #
- 12:53 For no other reason that it makes me go "awwwwwww" Gremlins Gizmo Craft Label Statue #gremlins #gizmo #
- 13:04 Just started a Twibe. Visit or RT this URL to join. #
- 13:09 @ AMOzarkian I know, right? ;-) #
- 14:07 RT @Agent_M: My Little Pony: Reign of the Buttercup Sprinkles - #
- 14:10 RT @JeremyCShipp: (Pleast RT) Want to join my officially official facebook group? #
- 14:10 @ TheOtherJeff Wait, New STAR TOURS? Where? #
- 14:50 @ TheOtherJeff Can I just say, it's about time? ;-) #
- 14:54 @ doubledumbass Shirt shopping at EE Do you have any idea how tempted I am to buy this shirt for you? #
- 14:55 @ TheOtherJeff The only way I'd be okay with it being prequel stuff is if the shuttle landed on Jar Jar at the end of the ride. #
- 15:01 @ bonniegrrl I second @ToplessRobot 's motion. ;-) #
- 15:31 Yay. Blog post's done ;-) (Lots of ways to keep up with us here at EE) #
- 15:33 @ elbeard ::grin:: Stop being so hard on yourself. #
- 15:38 @ doubledumbass How could I not? That shirt is just #
- 15:39 @ TheRealSickboy Aw babe. Considering I was in the ER not to long ago, I know your pain. Hugs! #
- 16:08 @ JeremyCShipp And Horny Demons. Don't forget horny demons ;-) #
- 16:10 @ JeremyCShipp And, for the record, I don't believe for a second that you're not a Master Summoner when it comes to taming she-devils. #
- 16:12 RT @geeksdreamgirl: You don't wanna miss Geek's Dream Girl tomorrow. Big announcement. :) #
- 16:23 @ WoWInsider 3000K+ DPS Aff Lock 2265 Wow-Heroes Score. Have Maly achievement and 4 bosses down in Ulduar. #
- 16:35 @ WoWInsider Dude, UR so lame. You probly got 80 by buying your acct on eBay! #
- 17:28 Contest: Send pics of you at Star Trek this weekend & enter to win Star Trek Fragrances. Details to follow #startrek (RT) #
- 18:12 Contest: Send pics of you at Star Trek this weekend & enter to win Star Trek Fragrances. #startrek (RT) #
- 18:12 In other words, contest is live. Yay! #
- 18:33 Night folks. Have an awesome one ;-) #
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