May 15, 2009 00:07
- 06:07 @ Agent_M I'm still in shock about that list. I knew you'd be on it the second I saw it ::grin:: Because you're just that cool. Mwah! #
- 06:25 @ thejayphoenix ::Laugh:: Just because I call myself that doesn't mean I'm automatically in. But I appreciate you saying that. ;-) #
- 06:25 RT @fitzwillie: New at GeekDad: An Interview With The Creators Of Marvel’s Lockjaw & The Pet Avengers: #
- 06:26 @ ToplessRobot Okay, that does it. I'm sending you lapdances or Scotch. So, email your preferences and types? ;-) #
- 06:34 @ thejayphoenix That's because I've been stalking @Agent_M ::nodnod:: #
- 06:41 @ mspixieriot made me a new background pic. ::dance:: I like it muchly. #
- 06:43 @ damiella Um...I'd totally be in for that party that isn't happening. ::winkwink:: Just need to get a flight. #
- 06:44 @ snipeyhead I think you're my hero. #
- 07:49 @ Agent_M @Twyst I'll ask when I get to work, in the meantime, did you see this? #
- 07:53 @ Agent_M @Twyst ::laugh:: Nah. I just can't get my question at the moment answered and I like showing off the shinies. ;P #
- 07:53 Hey @entearthn, @Twyst and @Agent_M wanna know if this bad boy transforms? #
- 07:55 Here's a question - is everyone who read the Wired 100 Geeks on Twitter following @fitzwillie? Hmmm? ::grin:: #
- 08:00 @ techtastic Holy heck. It's on the Wired front page now. #
- 08:04 @ ToplessRobot That's actually lucky for me. If you were any hotter, I'd have to stalk you full time and that takes work! #
- 08:35 @ thejayphoenix Well, considering @fitzwillie created that Wired 100 list, following him would be good ;-) #
- 08:38 @ hydeandgeek I'm here. At the moment, I'm arguing with my remote desktop connection. It seems to think it doesn't have to work. #
- 09:04 I need people to follow @ToplessRobot . If he doesn't have constant supervision, bad things happen. Ask how he ended up in the sling? O.O #
- 09:05 Oh @joshgeeksix...don't you owe me a guest blog post? ;-) #
- 09:07 Working from home this morning while waiting for the phone guy and I've been sitting here with one leg of my jeans on. -- for 5 minutes. #
- 09:10 @ Twyst Fact is, @ToplessRobot hasn't told me. I hear @GreatWhiteSnark, a pound of butter and baseball bat may have been involved. #
- 09:12 @ claymuse @Greg_Easton @nomadnp @Neurocat It just proves how easily distracted I am. I have achieved pants! Yay! #
- 09:24 RT @hipsterplease: The Nerd vs. Geek Debate (and Why We Don't Need to Have It): [Agreed!] #
- 09:28 I have an odd conundrum and I feel like an ass even asking this -- but how am I gonna get through this many emails of new followers? #
- 09:28 I mean, is it bad to not look at every one? >.< #
- 09:31 But @FilmLadd I like to find people to follow. Gah. You realize I'll end up looking at them, right? #
- 09:32 @ danfaust Now, -see-? I knew you'd pop me for that. I was being serious. ;P I'm used to being an unnoticed geek! #
- 09:33 RT @LaBarceloneta: @geekgirldiva It's not bad. God just kills a baby kitten for every one you don't look at. ;) [I just died laughing. Owow] #
- 09:33 @ snipeyhead I can, but I'm following you. #
- 09:35 @ ASMzine ::laughing:: That's why I ended up with one pant leg on! #
- 09:41 RT @Agent_M: #zombietalk time! Remember to tag your Tweets with #zombietalk and follow along with everyone here: #
- 09:43 @ Wired Thanks for tossing that Top 100 list on the front page. I totally <3 GeekDad! #
- 09:56 Um.. @amarygma set up a webcam for your parrots? O.O Explain this to me? #
- 09:58 #zombietalk Zombie in Pink. #
- 10:08 Dude, Action Figure Insider has sneak peek at the new Big Lebowski Dream Sequence Bobble from Bif Bang Pow! #
- 10:19 Um @PoeGhostal? Excuse me. But when are you posting more cool toy stuffs? #
- 10:24 Entertainment Earth has a free shipping promo until 05/31 [Yes, I forgot to tell you. Whoops] #
- 10:40 Hey @Neurocat and @Amarygma - @entearth just answered your questions on the EE Blog. [anyone else got questions?] #
- 10:46 Sweet! @cinematical just posted an awesome article about the new EE Exclusive Back to the Future II DeLorean #
- 11:06 RT @Agent_M: If anyone has Photoshop skills and time, mock up some zombie-fied '80s movie posters. I'll Tweet 'em out. #zombietalk #
- 11:07 Okay, I want to know about people today. Tell me something cool about YOU ;-) #
- 11:13 RT @ToplessRobot: Topless Robot has Viking approval. Oh, how I've dreamed of this day! [LOL!] #
- 12:42 RT @fitzwillie Now the 100 Geeks to Follow list is in the prime spot on with a big old picture of Weird Al! I love it! #
- 12:47 Okay folks, I know you must have some toys & collectible related questions. Ask Entertainment Earth! (RT) #
- 12:48 I have no idea how I managed it, but I just talked my non-tech savvy mom through an Apple Network pane bug. My noggin hurts! #
- 13:41 @ accentonterp Why thank you, ma'am ;-) #
- 13:52 Cool! Entertainment Earth set up a section for Star Trek 2009 Movie Toys. #startrek #
- 13:55 Hey @fitzwillie - when do we get a list of best places to buy geek stuff? #
- 13:59 Oh gads @ToplessRobot You just had to say that, didn't you. As if my mind wasn't scarred enough from the last FFF? #
- 14:00 @ GeekStuffOG I like that too! #
- 14:12 [•] <-- Darth Vader's TIE Advanced x1 prototype... fighter! (by @zombot, RT @toplessrobot @bonniegrrl and @starwars) #
- 14:18 @ fitzwillie ::grin:: You did pretty great with the one list. I think you can rest a while ;-) #
- 14:19 I want to see the X-wing vs. Tie Fighter. C'mon @zombot @ToplessRobot & @starwars . Typa typa ;-) #
- 14:24 RT @CleverUserName ]o[ ' ' ' >^< #
- 14:25 RT @Neurocat: } *** >•< >•< { Loosen up! AAAUUUGH!!!! [::laughing:: Okay, I have an idea. We need a blog post for these] #
- 14:38 Star Wars Vehicle Wars in Twitter Text. We have a posting spot. Bullseye some Womprats, folks ;-) (RT for sure) #
- 14:39 @ TheOtherJeff @umokay @Neurocat @CleverUserName @ToplessRobot @techtastic @zombot @starwars Post is up #
- 15:09 @ NathanFillion Oooh. Come to my office then. We have toys all over the place ;-) I work for Entertainment Earth even ;-) Toys! #
- 15:10 Wow. I just had a total fangirl moment all over @NathanFillion. It was like an embarrassing geekgirl burp. Whoops. Sorry. #
- 16:14 Scott over at @hydeandgeek did a very cool post about some of the EE exclusives. Go peek ;-) #
- 16:15 @ headgeek666 I saw that. Congrats ;-) #
- 16:16 @ Templesmith Well, I ask you. What's not to love about semi naked tattooed girls.? ::grin:: #
- 16:47 @ cinematical Hmm...aside from the fact that you gave Entertainment Earth a shout out? Well, heck, you're talking the stuff I love ;-) #
- 17:00 @ joshgeeksix I was wondering where you were. Mwah! #
- 17:07 @ JuliusMarx You know I want video now, right? ;-) #
- 17:08 @ LouisBClark Y'know what, I think you are incredibly interesting. ::nod:: #
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