Who: Rolo Lamperouge Haliburton and Gazimon (
hit_pause), ???
What: A fateful encounter
When: 2/23, early evening (after Nunally's arrival)
Where: D'Ango Forest
Rolo Haliburton (Lamperouge is a name you have no claim to, boy, not anymore,) was not usually anything but a very urban child. He didn't do well in settings without crowds of people, ironic given that he was always alone, set apart. He didn't live in the same time as the rest of the world, he never could. That wasn't even taking his shadowed past into account. Any way he looked at it, Rolo didn't belong. An assassin in the guise of an innocent, a clockwork doll that never worked quite right.
He wished he could blame it on anyone but himself. It was his actions that had alienated him, and now that Nunnally was here, he wasn't needed, nor wanted. If he ever had been. Kallen's reaction, her accusations, had been more than enough to clearly prove that.
So Rolo had run. It was easy enough to get lightpost data from another Tamer, and then he and Gazimon were gone. To D'Ango Forest, exchanging brightly lit buildings and streets for shadowed trees and stones.
"So when are we going home?" Gazimon asked, glancing at his Trainer. Why was it his shit luck to get stuck with the angsty ones?
Rolo didn't respond.