Who: Haruki, Hitomi, Sasami, Most of Unit 3 (Ikuto, Yuka, Ash, Molly, Ken, Katsuro), ???? and Partners
What: Springing the trap.
When: Backdated to March 20th, after
this post, Afternoon
Where: Remote Beach
It was finally time. Months of planning, months of preparing, months of hatred, and months of doing Scagletti's bidding in secret.
It was finally time.
Time for vengeance.
He may not have been able to get this version of his mother that was here since while he was pretending to be his father he wouldn't ask for anyone to come here while he was sick, but he had already gotten rid of his father, and now it was time for his sister.
And Unit 3, per Scagletti's orders. After all, just getting rid of two agents wouldn't be a serious blow to DATS as a whole.
No. He had to go up against an entire Unit.
... Should be fun.
[OOC: Okay, post isn't open yet, I still need to tag in with Yuka and Hitomi before anyone else goes. As for the whole thing with Chika? Taco and I talked about it, and she can't brain Chika for this and she's also on semi-hiatus, so we're leaving Chika out of this one. So for the purposes of this log, assume that Chika did comment on Haruki's bait post.
And finally, just so we have SOME semblance of sanity with this thread, we'll have the tagging order be Me - Knux - Herc - Ken - Raz - Car - Becca]