(no subject)

Jul 08, 2004 03:45

Don't read this.. it's just pointless self-ego-inflating jargon.

I literally have nothing better to do at 35oam, than to sit here and tell myself all the ways that I am better than this person::

Because I am a stupid, white, dumb, BORED, insecure, jealous fuck.

I don't know what I'm more jealous of.....

That she went to school with Adam and got to see him every fucking day or that she lives about 5 minutes away from him, and can still see him... every fucking day.

It could be that I'm livid that her whole profile is all 'OMGZORS IM DATING ADAM'. Which, I have a full blown right to be angry about..... as he is in fact, uhr, how to put this..


As in...

Not single.
Off the market.
Belonging to me.
Off limits.

I shouldn't even give her the time of day, let alone the honor of an entire journal entry. The last person I did that for... was Nikki. For the same reason. Buwahahahahahah.

I miss Adam so much.

I can't believe I haven't seen him since May.... that hurts so bad. Fuck MTG Tournaments. But at least I got to spend the whole day with that beautiful creature. [:

God, I remember when it used to be him staying over for like.. four days at a time. Then he'd go home for two days, and I'd be right back over at his house.. for 3 days in a row.

Hell... I'd take, "I'll skip, you skip, and we'll get at least two hours together."

Now it's just....... a phone call once a day, if I'm lucky.

But does that mean I'm willing to let go of him?


^ ^

Adam is still, and forever will be, MINE.
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