Aug 26, 2010 18:56
They were coming back from checking out some prospective college or another when it happened.
(They, in this case, being Abe and Zachary because Markham had work and homework and other lame things that he couldn't get time off from, or he totally would have come along.)
Zachary was driving, following up on his promise since Abe had taken over the trip there. He kept his eyes on the road, knowing Abe would punch him or something if he had anything to say. Something unexpectedly twisted in the pit of his gut, but he ignored it. Just jitters from finally heading back home, right?
The college really hadn't been anything special. There were better ones in the city and Zachary wasn't sure he even wanted to go to college when he had a perfectly suitable skill already honed to near-perfection. Any more education on it would be entirely unnecessary. Maybe Abe had seen something special about it.
With a quick glance to his brother, Zachary asked, "What did you think, anyway?"