Poor abandoned Livejournal. I'm sorry I've been spending all my time on Facebook and ignoring you. Don't worry, I still love you.
Anyway, an update on my life is probably past due at this point.
When last I posted, I was starting up my new job at Leo Goto's Riverfront. Sadly, the place ended up closing down in October, due to some bad business decisions. The other employees and I were basically cheated out of our last two paychecks (the second-to-last bounced and the last never even showed up). There's a good summary of the situation
at the Denver Post website. I really feel the worst for the people who had their weddings/receptions planned there. Losing a couple paychecks sucks, but it's not as bad as finding out the event you've been planning for months won't end up happening due to someone else's screw-up (and you can't get your deposit back).
Since then, I've been doing contract work for my dad and searching for a new job. I've gotten an interview and a couple of emails, but nothing solid yet. I did design a logo for the new baking business my aunt is starting, but she can't pay me (except in baked goods) so I'm not counting it as work.
Other random stuff:
We've repainted much of the house from the sort of sickly yellow colour it was when we moved here to a soft grey with white trim. My cousin, her husband and their son (my godson) will be coming to visit for a couple of days this month, which should be fun. I haven't seen him since he was about 2 months old, and he's over 2 years now. I get to be a maid of honor/bridesmaid in three weddings in the upcoming year, so I've been helping with dress shopping recently. I'm gathering lots of money-saving tips for if/when I get married.
This song keeps getting stuck in my head. I've only heard it on the radio a couple times, but everyone else seems to think it's getting played to death. Meh.
That's all I can think of at the moment. I'll try not to go so long between entries in the future (assuming I actually have stuff to talk about). Hope everyone's doing well!