Happy Be-lated Halloween Everyone!
Sorry I was sort of MIA this weekend but I spent most of it at Andrew's (my parents ditched me for a trip to Maine).
Friday's Halloween Party at work royally sucked! Got in trouble with my boss for wanting to wear another costume under the stupid thing he came up with *sigh* Then we go there late since stupid bosses wanted to make an entrance so there was NO food left, and what was was all cold (blak!). Then a bunch of other stuff happened and I spent most of it sitting alone in the corner so needless to say I was pretty unhappy and just left work as soon as it was over. *sigh* T came by later that night and we just sat around in our costumes being silly and taking pictures, so that was nice. Then we watched the first half of the Extended of Fellowship (mmmm how I've missed that movie). After T left I drove over to Andrew's and slept there...so once I got home from work the day was good and wasn't a complete washout. Saturday was nice enough with Andrew...grocery shopping, breakfast making, X-men playing (I suck!), lunch/dinner making, and movie going. We got to see Finding Neverland since it is out in limited release right now. GREAT MOVIE!!! Highly recommend people seeing it - great writing, great direction, great acting. Johnny Depp was fantastic! Of course I still think his best performance was as Jack Sparrow but that's cause it was so unique. In this movie though, he's still great...can see why they are talking about him being nominated for an Oscar again...I really REALLY hope he finally wins! Sunday morning, I left Andrew's, went to church, and then watched a little bit of Halloween when I got home until Dre called. We did some more Christmas shopping (of course I broke down and bought myself a really cool bag and "Lunatic Cafe" so now I can have my Anita Blake fix back) and then went to see her niece Taylor and her costume. Hung out at the house for a bit and played with Taylor's kitten Princess (adorable cat), then ran some errands while I played with Taylor and her My Little Ponies in the back of the car - she's so cute ^_^ Got home around 4 so I got in pjs and watched the Steelers kick Patriot-booty! Had to happen at some point I suppose. Very few kids came by last night for candy (yay, more for Dad and me)...stupid crap continues with Mom...Oh so my Packers beat the Redskins this weekend which, if you go by the superstition, means that Kerry will win on Tuesday (superstition says that since 1940, if the Redskins play on the Sunday before the election and they win, the current administration stays in power, but if the opponent (this year my Packers) win, which they did, then the challenging party wins). Whatever...I don't care who wins any more...no matter what people say whoever wins we'll be going through the same BS for another 4 years - that's the reality of politics...they all talk but when push comes to shove they then blame it on Congress or vice versa...I just want it ALL over...stupid politics! *kicks politics in butt* Thus ends the "Today's Politicians Suck" rant :D Can you tell how jaded I am???
Woke up this morning feeling really awful - just woke up totally freaked out about stuff...currently sitting here still all anxious. It's all about GW I know, and I'm still going but I just have this insanely big knot in my chest and stomach right now. I think I need to talk to someone seriously about all of it...maybe Andrew...maybe Nic or Effie cause they are down there and might help with some of the concerns. I need to find a place! I need to find out about the damn loans! Gah! I hate worrying about money!!! That makes me sound spoiled, huh? That's not how I mean it, I just hate feeling like I may be making an unnecessary mistake. I mean am I even going to be able to get a job out of all this??? *sigh* Not to mention other things...Ok I'm not even going to go into it now because I can feel myself freaking again...*deep breath*
I'm in desparate need of a distraction! I suppose I should do some more apartment searches now...screw working!
ladywenham, *big hugs* sorry about the doctors and the needles (I feel your fear and pain...evil evil instruments of death!)...hope you feel better soon!!!
lfaithl, *SUPER BIG HUGS* good luck! Hope things go really good for you - you deserve it - and when you get back on lj, I'll be here with open arms. You are so incredibly brave!!!
Oh and very warm welcomes to the uber-cool
arwentroi...forgive the whiny post - I'm usually better than this!
Happy Be-lated Birthday
Sorry I was bad and late in the happy wishes *hugs* I still love you lots and wish I could have taken you out for a more fun day then you had...sorry, buddy! Bad Me, bad!!!