My name is Mike Waliczek - codename "didactic" - and I am a defector from the enemy, enlisted for eternity by my new Commander-in-Chief into the Army of God.
The Divine Armistice was signed on the third of August in 2010. Following a decade of warring against the Heavenly Father, I have agreed to halt fighting. The terms of agreement are the commandments found in His Word. However, since I still must battle sin, the treaty won't come into effect until all sin is destroyed. I stand firm in the full armour of God (
Ephesians 6:10-20), engaged in spiritual warfare equipped with the weaponry of prayer, faith, and the Word. I am taught by the Holy Spirit, trained by experience, tried by adversity, and tested by fire. I will either retire at the Rapture or die in the army. I have made it my lifelong mission to make disciples of people by teaching them the truth of God's Word in order that their souls might be saved (
Matthew 28:19-20).
The Objective of This Journal
This journal was created to serve a three-fold purpose: to document events in my life, to act as a hub of ideas for my projects, and to remember our fallen brothers and sisters with due honour.
The foremost reason for this journal's inception is the need to keep a record of my days. My previous journal was kept during my time served in 2 Dimensions and was only updated continually for one year and eight months as I was completing my last two years of high school. Since leaving for college, I have experienced many significant life-changing events that I now regret not documenting. These include the following: entering my first serious relationship of 15 months, attaining my first permanent job (where I'm still employed), graduating from two post-secondary programs resulting in confusion concerning my future, descenting into drug addiction concurrently with the breakup of my first relationship and quick start of my second, moving out for the first time with my second girlfriend of 10 months, representing myself in court against the same girlfriend, and - biggest of all - converting from atheism to a follower of the Lord Jesus. Six months into my new life, I serendipitously found my future wife - marrying after long-distance contact of 42 months and not being fully together until another nine months following the wedding. Another important event that was undocumented was my reconciliation with my long-time best friend and former group member
mc_solus after my conversion to Protestantism resulted in two years of silence between us. On this day next month, it will happen to be 13 years since I initiated writing in that journal. That number is a fitting representation of God being able to turn the bad into good.
Recently, I have received various affirmations for the need of this second journal. For years, I have been fascinated by family genealogy. Wishing I could learn about the history of my ancestors, I want to contribute my part to the greater picture and tell my family story. More specifically, I desire to leave these words not just for me, but for my progeny. Each year seems to get shorter than the last and I don't want to let another year get away from me. One reason I originally discontinued writing in my journal was "wasting time", but perhaps I'm not meant to spend time accomplishing the things I think I am.
In addition to being a personal journal, I plan for it to include unedited excerpts during the progress of writing my first book. It will also function as a space for organizing ideas from other literary and musical projects. Lastly, when information is received from the global communications system, this journal will report accounts of fallen comrades.
As this journal will contain confidential information, you must require access to classified information. In order to obtain access, please leave a comment and your request will be considered.
"You therefore must endure hardship as a good soldier of Jesus Christ. No one engaged in warfare entangles himself with the affairs of this life, that he may please him who enlisted him as a soldier." - 2 Timothy 2:3-4