Going through old Christmas photos of me when I was a little tike, and I realized I'm wearing tangzhuangs in all of them. I guess that comes with being raised by a Chinese man for the first 8 years of my life. I still look overly American though, haha.
I apologize for the second photo. I used to make that bratty smile whenever I got annoyed at my mom for making me pose for too many pictures.
I have to work Christmas Eve as a trade off for getting Christmas Day and then New Year's Eve off. Which means I have no time to drive to Cali and see my mom. This hotel job is really putting a damper on my holidays this year (had to work Thanksgiving evening too). To get more into the Christmas spirit (since I lack family and a tree) I decided to make blue and white snowflakes. Just for fun. I like cutting out weird designs and then opening them up to see how they turned out. I also decided to make a Christmas wish list that is both totally serious and totally silly. Here 'goes!
2. Financial Aid for school
3. Happiness
4. A new Sega Genesis console. Mine keeps pooping out on me.
5. Guitar lessons from the best.
6. This bad ass You Sunk My USBattleship Hub!
7. A Huskey or German Shepherd (may have to wait on that one til I get a backyard).
8. To get my wheel-bearing fixed on my car.
9. This interesting book, so I may continue to learn more erotic slang such as: Basorexia - a strong hunger or craving for kissing.
10. New animation software. Or better yet: for JASC to make their animation software for iMacs!
11. To be able to play in snow and have a snowball fight. Last time I got to play in snow I was too young to even remember (I just saw pictures).
12. An old antique Minolta camera. (I miss doing b&w film).
13. These whack ass shoes that cost $120.
14. Anything with a seahorse(s) on it. (Pillow, necklace, t-shirt, whichever). They are so mesmerizing.
15. Understanding and empathy between me and everyone else.
16. Understanding and empathy between me and everyone else (again).
That is all for now. Merrymerry!