FIC: More (M) for Moonlight

Oct 29, 2007 20:55

Title: More
Author: divinejoker
Rating: M
Spoilers: Fever (1x04)
Pairing: Mick/Beth. Obvious.
Disclaimer: Not mine. Obvious.

A/N: I didn’t really need any more fandoms to write for, but this one just begs for it. So, who am I to refuse my muse?

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It wasn’t spur of the moment. She’d thought of the possibility on the entire drive out to the piece of rubbish motel. Even still, the thought of it had only made her push on the gas with more worry; more fear.

And he had been lying in that tub, in that freezing water… fading…

She supposed that the way he had pushed her away in the first place should have warned her, but she had never been one to take hints very well.

So when the sharp points of his teeth finally dug into her flesh, the inner-sense of skin giving way and blood leaking out was overshadowed by the intense reality of having Mick St. John drinking from her arm.

In the few seconds of shock that rode through her mind before sensation overcame her again, she thought that it was an oddly strange place to have him drink from her.

Then there was nothing but the suction of his mouth, the flow of blood through her veins, against his lips and into his mouth. It hit her with such intensity that she could only collapse against him, feeling the shuddering pull of his shoulders beneath her cheek as he fed himself healthy.

Seconds passed with nothing but the heavy breath of the vampire under her chin and the slowly awakening pleasure of pain and pride and…

Instantly, she felt herself revolt against the thought of feeling something so… good, but there, against the skin of her forearm, Mick was feeding, placing a kiss to her with more intimacy and trust than *anything* she had ever felt.

Then alarming sensations flooded her mind; mentally she could watch her blood cells skim along their allotted path, heart to lung to heart to Mick as if nothing were more natural. It was amazing to feel the pull of him against her arm, sustaining himself for just a moment longer just as she succumbed to the desire that was sitting at bay.

Everything in her woke up to the pleasure of the moment. She was no longer bleeding, she was nourishing. She was no longer scared, but happy; not afraid but proud.

She couldn’t deny that him feeding on her was dramatic, altering and would ultimately lead to them having a very serious, very frank discussion. Regardless of the lack of alternatives to Lenni being safe and Mick staying alive, she was more than happy to have experienced this.

Her vision greyed for a moment, and she sank heavily against him.

“Mick,” she sighed; almost sorry to speak and end the flood of emotions.

He stopped immediately and drew back into the water, smears of her blood lining his lips, surreal in their translucent shimmer. Slowly, hesitantly, he licked his lips, his eyes never leaving hers until she shuddered in withheld sensation.

He was suddenly reaching out to her, holding her up and tightly wrapping his fingers around her biceps.

“Take a deep breath and sit down, Beth,” he said softly, leaning forward to lower her to the dirty tile floor. She watched him do the same, the water from his dripping hollowly to the floor in her detached vision. With a last glance at the still bleeding holes in her arm, she looked into his eyes and passed out.

*** **** ***

She knew something was wrong when Josh kissing her arm brought only a shudder of revulsion instead of a soft rush of pleasure.

She tried to settle down, to throw the remembered feelings from her physical memory, but lying down next to him that night only made her spine tingle in expectation. And deep down, she knew it was an expectation that Josh would not be able to satisfy.

It had been more than a feeding for him, and she had done more than keep him alive.

Beth found herself at his door, her blood pounding in remembrance of the pull of his lips and the rub of his tongue and the fierce flashing hunger of his eyes.

She didn’t knock.

He did open the door.

Silently, purposefully, she passed her barely patched wounds under his nose. Revelling in the sudden flare of his nostrils, dilation of his eyes she whispered, “Again.”

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