Cliched Anime Prediction Powers, Activate!

Jan 28, 2009 18:33

Let's try an experiment. After watching episodes 1-24 of Reideen, I'm confident I can figure out just how they'll wrap it all up in a tidy 46 minute block.

I'm going to predict the end of this show.

Saiga goes into the alien mothership to recapture Reideen, but ends up captured himself. he and Roxell join forces to escape together; Roxell's cat thing Keto sacrifices himself for his master, and Roxell gets angry and starts destroying things in revenge.

Edit: Everyone will find out it was Saiga that piloted Reideen this whole time. Public opinion will soar, which is exactly what the government doesn't want. Also, the smug snake of a negotiator Anko will end up killing himself just when he thinks his plan is coming to fruition. I've got my money on him being an alien, though I don't think that's actually true.

Saiga gets back the bracelets and gives Roxell the silver Gadion bracelet. After a joint battle sequence, Roxell heroically sacrifices himself to let Saiga escape, saying that in another life they could have been brothers, or something trite like that.

Oh, I forgot Midorino! She's also captured by the aliens; freeing her will be an integral part of getting Reideen back, and she'll be the one to give Saiga the gold bracelet to control Reideen; once she picks him, Roxell will gracefully bow out.

So, then Saiga in Reideen will save the say, the aliens will be defeated, and he'll go back home and end up asking out his childhood best friend, who has had a huge crush on him the whole time. Midorino, the soul of Reideen, will take the mecha and go off somewhere, tuning the universe in the process. She may or may not reset time so that the city is not harmed by the final attack -- that could go either way.

Hoshikawa and Terasaki, the two bodyguard White Herons, will end up dating. Maedasaki will get his recognition and retire from the defense force, and go on selling audio equipment. He'll probably end up marrying Saiga's mom.

The end.

Let's see if I'm right.

EDIT: Okay, here's what actually happens:

Saiga wakes up in the hospital; his mom has found out about him being Reideen's pilot. She gives him the go ahead to follow his dreams, and he leaves. Before he goes, he encounters Shiori, the best friend; she makes like she's going to confess to him, but he runs off and flashes her the "I'll be okay" smile before going. Hoshikawa tells her she'll watch out for him, and runs off after him.

Saiga's plan is to get inside the spaceship. They accomplish this because Maedasaki and Hoshikawa can apparently pilot helicopters. They use one of the generic remote control Jinrai mechas to drill a hole in the mothership, but the mothership starts to take off, having captured Roxell, Raideen, Gadion, and Midorino (along with jerkass Ando, whose plans to detonate the nuclear bomb attached to the Hayate unit was paused). However, the falling Jinrai crashes into Saiga and Hoshikawa's helicopter.

Saiga wakes up inside the mothership next to Hoshikawa; she apparently teleported them inside the ship when their helicopter exploded. They run off through the mothership (which appears to be made up entirely of mouths filled with various kind of teeth), killing the weird alien drones. Hoshikawa tells him to go find Reideen and come back for her while she tries to drive off the aliens. Saiga goes, and instead of Reideen, finds Midorino (SHOCK I KNOW).

Meanwhile, Ando has woken up. He restarts the 30 minute countdown for the Hayate's bomb, and is then stabbed through the back by one of the alien drones.

Saiga and Midorino have the traditional Japan "No, call me by my first name" conversation that means they've acknowledged their feelings or whatever, and then they find Ando. He dies just as his plan comes to fruition and explodes the bomb inside the spaceship. Saiga hugs Midorino, and Midorino teleports him into Reideen without the magic control bracelet. Saiga begins to tear shit up.

Meanwhile, Roxell's weird cat demon Keto has crawled out of his master's jumpsuit and runs off.

The three nameless alien masters realize that Reideen has escaped and try to control it with the magic control bracelet. Hoshikawa pops up out of nowhere with a roundhouse kick and ruins their shit. Then, Keto steals Gadion's bracelet and Roxell appears moments later in the aforementioned Gadion. He destroys the council chamber. Hoshikawa falls through the floor and the bracelet warps onto Saiga's wrist.

Saiga and Roxell proceed to exchange fighting words, and then duel.

Meanwhile, the rest of the Japan Civilian Defense Force (or something like that) watches the duel on their big screen TVs, fed in by live satellite. Saiga's mom and little sister, along with Maedasaki and Terasaki, watch as well.

The council chamber is apparently not destroyed, because the three nameless alien masters initiate some sort of weird chanting protocol. In the middle of their kung fu fight, Gadion is warped away and appears to dissolve; the mothership then sprouts a bunch eyeballs and merges with Gadion, to form some sort of Transformers-esque eyeball mecha thing. It then eats the satellite the humans were using to watch the duel and uses it to show them what's happening.

The giant eyeball Transformer then tentacle rapes the entire Kanto region.

Saiga proceeds to teleport around the giant eyeball Transformer destroying things. It misfires a laser and chops off part of the freaking moon.

Then OH SHIT AMERICA IS LAUNCHING NUCULAR MISSLES. Everyone is apparently pleased by this. Don't worry, they don't actually do anything.

There is more fighting between eyeball Transformer and Reideen. Saiga starts to do better, and then does much worse all of a sudden. He manages to stop a giant blast from the eyeball Transformer, but is then stabbed multiple times in the back by some sort of alien tentacles. Everyone yells out his name. He's then whipped up and back into space, and thrown into the moon. There's a bright flash of light, and it's time for the obligatory last episode surreal flashback sequence.

Saiga and Midorino have a heart to heart, where Midorino explains that she's the soul of Reideen and can turn back time. She's also apparently omnipotent. Saiga says he loves her, and that gives him the power to heal his wounds and fight again. Ah, how touching.

He proceeds to call for his God Blade, which turns out to be INSIDE THE FREAKING MOON. So the moon has a sword-shaped hole in it, and he's got a blade the size of a planet that has little rockets on it so he can swing it faster. He cuts the eyeball Transformer in half.

The world is saved! Saiga comes home with the required "Minna, taidaima" moment. Everyone now knows he saved the world. There is much rejoicing.

Then, SHOCK, life continues as normal. Midorino is still there, and poor Shiori is left with nothing.

What happens to Roxell? Why is Midorino still there? Just what the hell happened to Saiga's dad? How about Hoshikawa? And Terasaki? And freaking Maedasaki?

Most fucking uninspiring and unsatisfying ending to a show ever. I expected better of you, Production I.G.
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