OMFG the Android. Au is finally selling the Android and I think as soon as Christmas and Gazette are done, I'm sliding over to get one. Leap into the New Year. My phone of five years is on its last leg.
Yeah,James has the Hero HTC Android, and really likes it. Even our friend tonight remarked that she was surprised to see him on his phone at dinner! He never used to be like that, LOL. I've had an LG Lotus phone for, IDK, 3 years? Love it, but browser is a bit slow, and not all websites or pages will display... and I can never look at twitter links... so, yeah, not a necessity, but the B
Yeah, James has the Hero HTC Hero Android. I already wrote a bunch of stuff, but stupid keyboard strokes sent me back one page and i don't feel like re-typing.... sigh.
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