Mischa Paige's Unassisted Homebirth

Dec 19, 2008 01:25

Mischa Paige
December 12, 2008
9:08 am
8lbs 12oz

On December 11, 5 days past my estimated due date, I was convinced I would go into labor. It was my best friend's birthday. I had contractions off and on all day, but none were coming regularly so as the afternoon progress I got discouraged and knew it was not meant to be.

I took a long nap before it was time to go get Caleb from school and when Micah got home we went to Target to pick me up some reading material as I had ran out the day before and we walked around quite a bit while we were there. The irregular contractions continued...

-last picture of me pregnant-

Everyone went to bed early that night but I stayed up reading my new book and the contractions started to become a bit more regular, enough where I couldn't continue to read through them. I'd have to put the book down on my tummy and take deep breaths. At 1:30am on December 12th, I got up to use the restroom and I had bloody show and while on the toilet had a strong contraction. I came back into the bedroom and sat on the yoga ball while I updated the forum. The contractions during this time were a steady 5 minutes apart. I woke Micah (DH) and he called his mom (Shirlene) to come on over because it was time.

By the time she arrived (2:30am) the contractions were picking up to about 3 minutes apart. Things were definitely on the road at this point. I tried to watch "Superbad" between the contractions, but kept missing all my favorite parts when I would contract and I got too frustrated. The laughing helped a lot though. I walked around and kept opening the doors to let the intense moonlight in and to let the cold night air cool me between contractions. It was the biggest full moon of the year.

A little later (4:00am) I wanted to try the water to see if it was really the miracle everyone says it is. It definitely helped, but I just couldn't get comfortable on the hard porcelain. At this point, I wanted to see how much progress I was making, so Micah checked and said I was between 6-7cm. I was relieved because I figured an hour per cm, so she would arrive shortly after sunrise. I was handling things well so far and my optimism was strong. I was getting there!

-a happy moment in the tub-

I got out of the tub after an hour or so. The intensity was picking up greatly and I started to vocalize heavily through the contractions. I remember thinking that it felt so good to be as loud as I wanted/needed to without a nurse and/or doctor telling me to hush. It made me deliriously happy and fueled me to let go even more which helped me through the peaks of each contraction. I would grab onto Micah during each contraction and 'dance' with him through it as he encouraged me to continue making low, primal noises.

-the dance-

Sometime around 7:00am, I was starting to get very tired, so I laid down and tried to 'doze'. I would just drop off into a sort of 'out-of-body sleep' and then a contraction would hit. For a while, I was able to just let my body go limp and deeply breath through them, but then the pressure in my back started to become unbearable so I would have Micah put pressure into my lower back and would groan through them. That worked for a while but I had to get up. Being upright made it easier for me to get through the peaks.

-Micah updates the forums-

Around 8:30am I found that sitting on the toilet was the best position for me. It helped take the pressure off my back and I could easily stand up or lean forward during contractions. Things were progressing quickly at this point.

-laboring in cramped quarters-

I started telling Micah I didn't think I could do it anymore. It was really hurting bad and I needed a break. The pain was coming too quickly. Micah said he could tell I had hit transition and that it would be over soon, so he just kept encouraging me. He was my rock during that time. I would have never gotten through without him.

-transition hits hard-

I started to feel pressure like I had to poo, so I quickly reached inside myself to check my cervix and she was right there with the waters bulging. I knew I was complete and would be pushing soon, it was the second wind I needed. I got really excited! With the next contraction, I bared down a little and, oh my goodness!, it was the best feeling in the world! I stood up and told Micah she was coming. Micah started filling the tub back up with water thinking I would deliver in there, but I didn't want to get in. Somewhere around this time, Shirlene went and woke Caleb so that he could watch his sister's arrival.

Things went hectic as my water broke and my body started pushing on it's own. I couldn't move, so Micah hunched down on the floor to catch the baby while I stood over him. It was awkward but I don't think the Goddess herself could have gotten me to move at that point!

My body had a mind of it's own at this point and I could feel her moving into the birth canal. Micah and his mom kept telling me to slow it down a little but all I could do was roar as my body heaved her downward. I remember telling Micah that it hurt so bad but it still felt so good as I laughed and rubbed her crowning head.

As she crowned, I told Micah to remember to check for the cord around her neck and he said there was no cord but her hand was in front of her face! No wonder for the back labor! After she crowned, she rushed the rest of the way out in a deluge of fluid all over Micah's jeans at 9:08am. I quickly sat back on the toilet trying to contain some of the mess and picked up my squirming, beautiful baby girl just as she decided to have her first bowel movement.

-Mischa Paige is finally earthside-

We sat and marveled at her while stimulating her and helping her clear the fluid/mucus from her lungs. She was born so quickly she didn't get a chance for the birth canal to help squeeze it out. She pinked up within 2 minutes and gave many lusty cries so we were satisfied that she was doing good. She started rooting soon after and I put her to the breast.

About 5 or 10 minutes after her birth I delivered the placenta. I'd read about eating the placenta to help with post-partum bleeding and depression, so Micah pulled me off a couple chunks and I held them under my tongue. I couldn't bring myself to swallow them, but at least I tried.

-fetal side of placenta-

We then moved to the bedroom to cut the cord and start the clean-up. I took two doses of HemHalt to help control my bleeding. My heartrate and blood pressure stayed normal, but it was an extra precaution.

-daddy cut the cord-

-being weighed-

She weighed 8 lbs 12 oz and was 20in long.

-first bath-

-big brother is enthralled-

The next day we buried the placenta. Mother Nature gave it to Mischa for survival and we returned it to her as a show of gratitude. It was very emotional.

-the return-

Overall, it was the most spiritual and overwhelming expierence of my life and I feel so empowered by the memories. I felt so close to the Mother and still find myself daydreaming about it. I can't wait to do it again!

birth, pregnancy, unassisted, mischa, pictures

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