1. Name:Mysti
2. Age (no one under 13, please):32
3. Location:Louisiana
4. Three positive adjectives to describe yourself:empathetic, creative, adaptable
5. Three negative adjectives to describe yourself:blunt, mean, obsessive
6. What do you (or did you) want to be when you grow up?:The truth. I wanted to drive the garbage truck. Then I wanted to live in a castle somehow so I thought I could grow up to be a King.
7. What is the meaning/derivation/significance of your username?:Well I am a Mommy. I have two wonderful little monsters, I mean kids. and well at the risk of sounded vain, I am pretty wicked cool.
8. Favourite three books:Moonheart by Charles De Lint, The Summer Knight by Jim Butcher, The Dangerous Dandy by Barbara Cartland (don't laugh)
9. Favourite three movies:Ghostbusters, The Princess Bride, and Evil Dead 2
10. Do you have any creative talents? (feel free to provide examples):I crochet, I write and I sew
11. Where is your favourite place to be, and why?:My House.
12. What is your favourite holiday, and why?:Yule. I love the food and the music and finding just the right gift for people.
13. If you were going to be a superhero, what powers would you want to have?:I would want to blow stuff up or I would want to be Wolverine.
14. Are you willing to accept cross-gendered stamps/votes?:Sure I am aware I have a bit of a masculine side. LOL
15. Anything else we should know?:I don't know. If you need to know something before you make your choice just ask?
16. Pictures or description of yourself:WEll I have long dark hair that is almost always in a pony tail. I have hazel eyes that try to be green but just never quite make it. As for a picture. I only have one. so I hope it works.
17. Please provide links to your votes on at least three other applications:
Here ya go. Though I kind of went on a voting spree sorry.