wtf my posts all of a sudden show up out of nowhere, what the HELL IS THAT NIGGA!!!! yeah, and amber, for that, we shall fight, and u will lose, because i'm ninja master =) even tho u have a kewl kewl yellow power ranger shirt, i'm still the awesomest, ok wait jk, ur the awesomest, COME BACK TOMORROW =D <333
belive me i tried my hardest to come back but that only made me make my mom cry and everyone be pissed off at me all day...your phone number is with lauren so i cant call you and lauren never got the number now i have noone to talk to and im boerd...i wanna come home..
and ps: ill kick your ass..and you know it muahahaha
baby i miss u so much =( i'm sorry that everyone was pissed off all day, i'm actualy happy, the front end of my car looks so freaking awesome, my computer is shweet, and i got my gas thingy fixed on my car as well, so i'm good to go, now all i need is my amber and some classic cola and i'll be in hog heaven, oh, and a game or two of footsy =) the crew needs to have a partay pretty soon, we;ll bring the ATHF dvd's... =) <333333 ur the cutest
Comments 7
and ps: ill kick your ass..and you know it muahahaha
<3333333 u
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