It's time for the 2012 Animated Film Oscar evaluation. This year, twenty-one films are eligible to be nominated for one of five slots available. I've seen four of them. All in all, 2012 was a much stronger year for animated films than 2011. So, let's break it down.
In alphabetical order: )
Comments 2
Regarding the Madagascar series, you're not missing much. If you want to see any of them watch the first one and skip the rest. I think the sequels were purely to generate revenue.
Brave had a change in director and direction about halfway through. The original director had a story that was much more action/magic/inter-family dynamic driven that the action/adventure/comedy that the executives wanted and eventually got. They should have gone with the original concept, I think.
Rise of Guardians - I don't think DW is going to do a sequel movie for this, but, it does have all the structure in place to make a nifty animated series. We'll see what develops in a couple of years.
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