Firefox + NoScript + Approve all cookies before being set != LiveJournal.

Sep 29, 2012 21:58

So, as some of you may have noticed, I've been more than a little quiet on the LJ as of late. Most of the people I'd friended on here have long since moved onto other sites, or only post intermittently. I still checked in and read what you posted until recently when I made the switch back to Firefox and tweaked some settings to be more privacy ( Read more... )

diaspora, firefox, twitter, service_announcement, chrome

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Comments 3

gmdreia September 30 2012, 20:01:30 UTC
I barely use this place anymore except to whine to the four or five people in my "Dreia's whining" filters.

Diaspora's treating you well? I set up an account there some time ago, but never got active. Sadly, I am super active on Facebook and haven't really felt the need for more communities beyond my game community and LJ. I'll snoop around diaspora and see if it piques my interest.


diziara September 30 2012, 21:38:31 UTC
Everyone has been amazingly nice on D* and I found a lot of people who've started sharing with me. There's a lot more politics than most places I've seen, particularly a lot of anons and a lot of radicals from both ends of the spectrum. The awesome thing has been no matter what stance they take, they're respectful about in.


gmdreia October 1 2012, 05:47:21 UTC
Looking around right now. Wow, cool. It's a bit less of a suffocating box of "only people I know" than Facebook tends to be. I just found out about some artists I think I'll pay more attention to. Thanks!


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