of TV Meme Day 01

Sep 25, 2011 23:33

Bah, past few days I came down with a head cold and then also got severe cramps. So weekend was a bit of a bust. Least caught up on all the premiere shows this past week. What new shows did y'all like or still looking forward to ( Read more... )

fandom: !meme, personal: daily, media: tv

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Comments 3

stasia September 26 2011, 17:59:43 UTC
*Firefly*, dammit!!!!



*hands you back your microphone*



dizilla September 27 2011, 21:15:56 UTC
LOL! Yeah that's most people's go to answer. XD I agree but yeah haha.


govtbunny September 28 2011, 02:35:46 UTC
I agree on Human Target. I can only hope season 2 will be released on DVD so I can properly watch it.

Guerrero, I miss you!!

It's been so long since I've watched any regular series that nothing else comes to mind. (yeah, me for the Discovery channel).


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