of TV Meme Day 02~!

Sep 27, 2011 21:21

Gotta love fandom sometimes... *shakes head* And gotta love when websites do complete overhauls w/o a lick of warning to its userbase. *looks at delicious* Hopefully it'll be fixed soon. I'd wish diigo would do with more updates but they're more focused on having prettyful ipod and ipad apps. Anyhow, day 02 of meme! =D Will get to the other one ( Read more... )

fandom: !meme, media: tv

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Comments 2

writer_klmeri September 28 2011, 11:08:38 UTC
I do know that Delicious was sold to another company and is under new management, so to speak. I had to transfer all the links of ksm_ot3 to a new server so that it wouldn't be lost when the change was made.

Though you are right... someone could have said, "hey! new look coming up!"


govtbunny September 28 2011, 13:37:18 UTC
I have yet to see Suits, when I see the ads I get it confused with White Collar.


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