Challenge #15
Talk about an unexpected joyous moment you experienced last year.
How are we at the end of Snowflake 2025 already?
There were lots of nice moments last year, but there is one standout moment, that I have unforgettable photographic evidence for!
I attended a Supernatural convention in Paris in June, and at this one, I had decided to treat myself to the group photo op.
It was something I very rarely did, so I really wanted to make the most of it and I thought for a long time about what I wanted to do. In the end, I decided I wanted to recreate one of my favourite Supernatural photoshoots:
One of my lovely fandom friends had some super fun fabric hats in the shape of cherry pies, which she’d made herself so I borrowed one of those and stepped into the photo booth.
I had no idea what was going on because the guys were all behind me. I could hear muttering and shuffling around, and had no idea what to expect…
When I saw the photo, I just burst out laughing, and couldn't stop. I’m someone that very rarely enjoys looking at photos of myself but this one was magic! It was so fun and hilarious and the guys really understood the assignment. It’s even a good picture of me, I look just so delighted and generally amused by the shenanigans going on behind me. I just adore everything about this picture.
In fourteen years of convention-going, this is my absolute favourite picture, and a great reminder of a wonderful weekend.