Rinoa/Caraway: Sincerely

Nov 03, 2008 13:15

Title: Sincerely
Claim: Rinoa/Caraway
Prompts: Letters, going astray, waiting (#45, #66, #55)
Rating: G
Summary: Stop being stupid and come home.

Dear Rinoa,

I know you're angry, just stop being stupid and come home.

I didn't mean what I said. You know that. We both have a habit of getting very angry. It just shocked me when I could smell something on your school uniform a father definitely shouldn't find. Not when you're barely fifteen. You don't see how this could be a problem, but I do. I have a brother I lost to this. I'm not going to lose you to it, either.

There's so many other worthwhile things.

And when you brought that boy into your room. I hate to think of someone wanting to use you like that. Do you really put such little worth on yourself? Why? You're a little girl, Rinoa. Don't grow up so quickly. I wish someone had told me this when I was your age, but your childhood is so so brief.

I just don't know what to do, Rinoa. What do you need? What do you want?  Why are you so angry?

Please come home soon. I'm choosing not to come there right now as I know it can upset you.

Yours sincerely,


Dear Rinoa,

You didn't reply to your last letter, but I'm going to keep on writing until you finally decide to write back to me. I'm not letting you go. I don't care how stubborn you are, because I'm damn stubborn too.

I know you think I haven't been a good Dad, but I've tried very hard. I have a very, very demanding job. I know you hated moving to Deling, but I had to. You've had a stable home, a good education, security... so many children don't have this. But you throw it back in my face. What am I supposed to do, Rinoa?

And don't let these new "friends" of yours' get you involved in anything dangerous. I dealt with Timber resistace groups for years and I know how dangerous they can be. Just please grow out of this 'rebellion phase' quickly, please.

Now, please reply to me.



"The problem---" Rinoa thought to herself. "Is that you're still signing your letters with 'sincerely'."


Dear Rinoa,
I have been very very patient with you. Do you want me to drag you home? People are asking questions, and what can I say? I don't even know if you're safe. I know you're a resourceful person but that will only get you so far, trust me. I know you had a sheltered life but you're not stupid enough to think you can make it on your own.

So come home.
Yours Sincerely,


Rinoa read the letter with a clenched fist. Was he daring her?


Dear Rinoa,
Fine. Wreck your life, see where it gets you. Did I push your self destruct button by accident or what? Do you want to ruin your life when you have things other people dream of? I'm sick of posing unanswered questions. Expect me some time next week.

Yours sincerely


Dear Rinoa,
How many times have we yelled at each other? You didn't have to do it in public. If a soldier sees a sixteen year old girl shouting me down what is he going to think? Though I suppose you don't care. I know you don't agree with what we did as a government, but frankly, I don't have to answer it. You're a kid. You know so little.

You looked like you hated me. Do you? I don't hate you, Rinoa. I love you. I hope you know this.

Yours Sincerely,


Dear Rinoa,
It's your sixteenth birthday today and you're not here. A part of me expected you to walk back through the door. I think it shocked me that you didn't. You really are stubborn, or dedicated. You won't like to hear this, but I'm proud of you in a weird way.

I'm quite upset, really. You've slipped through my fingers. That's never happened to me before, except with your Mother. But then I suppose you both were free spirits. I could never pin you down.

I will repeat it though: 
come home
come home
come home


ff8, 45- letters, 66- going astray, 55- waiting, fated children

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