Capsmeister: happy valentines day
Esoteric Charade: thanks, you too
Capsmeister: i want those heart things
Capsmeister: that say stupid shit on them
Esoteric Charade: hhaha
Capsmeister: theyre like politically correct pick up lines
Capsmeister: so that people can hand them out to their kindergarten class
Esoteric Charade: :-)
Capsmeister: if we were both in kindergarten right now i would give you an orange one that said fax me
Esoteric Charade: yay
Capsmeister: so what would you give me
Capsmeister: anything?
Esoteric Charade: a pink one that said hug me.
Capsmeister: aww thats a sweet one
Esoteric Charade: h:-)
Esoteric Charade: im sweet sometimes.
Capsmeister: then id give you a white one that said touch me beautiful
Esoteric Charade: hahahah
Capsmeister: hah yes you are
Esoteric Charade: then id give you a green one that said fuck me hot stuff.
Capsmeister: then id feed you a red one that said... well you wouldnt be able to read it cuz i was feeding it to you
Capsmeister: but wede fuck during nap time
Esoteric Charade: good
Capsmeister: if only i could go back with all the things i know now
Esoteric Charade: hahahhahahha
Capsmeister: i would have had so much more fun in kindergarten
Capsmeister: and i would always lay next to you at naptime
Capsmeister: and wede have sex wearing pasta necklaces
Capsmeister: then wede eat paste afterwards
Capsmeister: because thats what you do in kindergarten
Capsmeister: cept i never did it
Capsmeister: i missed out
a v-day chat, curtesy of Dan and I.