...a demon was trying, with the assistance of large quantities of alcohol, to ignore the sounds of
park-wide destruction that might or might not mean the end of their sojourn in this place; and an angel was humoring said demon as best he could, despite his own none-too-cleverly-hidden hope that it would in fact mean that very thing. Not being
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Comments 62
"Just because at any moment they might sssucceed at getting us kicked back to London where I can't work for fear of the brat and I can't not for fear of his father, where the fucking Sword of Damocles is hanging over my head in terms of whether I'm even going to be allowed to continue to exissst or not, and where no one would give a flying fuck if I didn't except for someone who's not even allowed to admit it; why the FUCK would I want to talk about it?"
His vocabulary was slowly decreasing along with the amber liquid in the bottle.
Walking to the demon's chair, he picked up and deliberately moved the bottle out of Crowley's reach, saying, "Well, let me say it while I have the chance, then..."
Hunkering down so he could look his friend straight in the face, if those dratted sunglasses still prevented eye contact, he said with quiet conviction, "You are very dear to me. By which I do not just mean the particular bit of His Creation that happens to be termed Anthony J. Crowley, I mean you. And you're going to go right on existing if I have to personally unman every demon in Hell to see to it."
She left her axe embedded in a support column at the Chalet and headed for New Orleans Square at a run, flitting past darkened storefronts and idle mechanical figures almost too quickly for the eye to follow. She neither slowed nor spared a glance as she passed the castle. The people below had made their choice, and she had made hers.
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