I know some of y'all aren't on my myspace, so I should post the pics of my newest adventure with hair color. Lol.
It's really red, but I like it!!
In other news things are going really well. In my Anthropology class yesterday we were talking about cultures and somehow we started talking about southern food, and I was almost crying with how badly I miss southern food. Like jambalya. Or gumbo. Or chicken fried steak. So what did I do? I went to Texas Roadhouse after class and got chicken fried steak and mashed potatoes to go and had myself a little southern dinner. Lol. Soo yeah. And then I studied and fell asleep at like 11:30. I'm such a loser these days. I'm going to bed all early and getting up all early. What happened to me? I used to be able to stay up til like 4AM and sleep til like 2. Lol. I guess this is part of growing up. Speaking of growing up, only 3 months til my 21st birthday!!!! Who is excited??? That would be me! My parents have talked me out of going to Vegas for my birthday, so I'm thinking of going to Florida, cause I've never been there. What do y'all think? Or where would you suggest to go? I can't go to NYC or anything cause Dennis said he was going to take me there this summer, lol. Plus, I don't think I want to go to NYC with a bunch of girls. We'd probably get killed. Lol.
All my new Phi Sig sisters are sooo nice! They leave me comments on my myspace everyday saying nice things! Theyre all soo great!
Well, its time to take my breakfeast out of the oven.
Love to you all!
OOH PS I totally had a dream I was having sex with that hot guy from the show Wildfire. Lol. It was a good night.