AFP gig at Heaven last night

Sep 03, 2011 13:57

Last night's Amanda Palmer gig was officially the Best. Gig. Ever. It included: Dresden Dolls songs, AFP songs, New-Band songs, an INXS song, Tim Minchin ON STAGE singing his songs, Tom Robinson ON STAGE singing Glad To Be Gay, Neil Gaiman ON STAGE, singing The Problem With Saints, Shakira'a violinist, Eric Clapton's brass section, and The Most ( Read more... )

most bestest gig ever

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dizzykj September 3 2011, 21:13:22 UTC

I can't believe that I didn't get tickets when it was announced! Twitter is an amazing way to get last minute tickets from people with spares but don't want to rely on it. AFP has certainly now gone to top of list of tickets to get in future!


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