theyre already researching other things to make records out of, as to keep records coming out. dont fall in to the trap of believing conspiracy theories. i doubt SOON any reprocussions from this oil thing will apply to records. in fact, theyre already testing some of the new substances to make records out of which i for one, am excited about, because it could potentially be way more durable than vinyl. i hate having records warp over the slightest little things, heat or not. its just not practical to keep making records from vinyl.
however i was under the impression they were already using plastic polymers to make records too. i cant remember the article i read.
about your comment on big bootied girls - i like you. more guys need to show appriciation for girls with a little back side, both us white chicks, and the lovely darker skinned ladies. (im jealous - im so pale i glow in the dark :( )
Comments 4
however i was under the impression they were already using plastic polymers to make records too. i cant remember the article i read.
about your comment on big bootied girls - i like you. more guys need to show appriciation for girls with a little back side, both us white chicks, and the lovely darker skinned ladies. (im jealous - im so pale i glow in the dark :( )
I noticed you added me to your friends lists. Just wanted to say hello.
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