If you read this, even if i don't speak to you often, you should post a memory of me. It can be anything you want, it can be good or bad, just so long as it happened.
i just have random memories of you at parties w/ your DAMN shirt off! hahaha i would be so annoyed and be like "taylor put your damn shirt back on!!" haha
i remember this one time when i was bored and i searched randomly through livejournals looking for some intertainment and then i found yours.... that was cool...
Comments 6
omg, where to begin...beds, showers, cars, police, mirrors, best friend, porn, etc...
ok, so those are all in the same category...but what can I say, those are some of the best memories I have. ♥
All the others are just between you and me <3
haha... sorry, like i said, im bored
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