Finally un-stressed myself by telling jaded by knight that i had to resume job per job work and not weekly. I finally have time for myself again... well sort of. Guess the line did well. The pay was nice and got me many nice shoes, but I working that much and keeping my freelance business up was insane. I seem to be really good at making other
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got a 3 month contract with Jaded by knight to design a runway collection for the Paris fashion week in Feb. lots of work ahead!! getting all the cashmere pieces done tonight to hand off to RAW7 tomorrow. mmmm.. cashmere with leather skulls
does anyone know who did the cute chick vocal electroclash remix of a g'n'r tune.. ? i think sweet child.. but i'm not sure. i heard it in Japan and can't find it anywhere
I'm trying to get motivated for work.. trying.. trying.. oh well. just finished this for black hearts last night as a base design - gotta add more to it to work for a shirt. would work for an inside blazer print tho.
it was a mutual leaving yesterday.. morgan the artistic talentless wonder is now the graphic designer there. something i expected would happen. because you know.. chicks can't do anything except fuck, model and maybe cook.. my talent wasn't utilized there which I kept telling them, but I'm free! and going freelance! but expect to see my art up
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so I'm waiting to hear back from Rock and Republic. I had 2 meetings with them yesterday. If i get that job i'll take it until i get enough freelance to keep the monah rolling in.
Pryecto Mirage on Friday! I'm getting shitfaced!!!
holy fucking no weekend!! dayjob done and out to magic and so is Junker designs (who fucking rock!).
on top of meeting a couple of extra freelance clients. Jaded by knight, and a jimmy joolz- i've never heard of them, and poss with black hearts brigade
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