May 09, 2007 02:47
Tastings are AWESOME! I should do that once a month!
Apr 07, 2007 11:31
Vista can munch my butt. My connection hasn't been this slow, ever. My posts keep timing out.
Apr 07, 2007 11:01
We bought Wilde an aquarium this week, and a small koi, a gold fantail, and a plecostromus. No names yet. I'd name them Six Hundred Forty Two, Six Hundred Forty Three, and Six Hundred Forty Four, but they're his fish, not mine.
Feb 21, 2007 17:39
I now have a new computer. And had to replace a flat tire. Now I am broke. And jittery from caffeine and hunger. So I'm gonna go make dinner. Later, kids.
Nov 01, 2006 15:56
Dear el jay,
I will be flying solo this friday, with street legal car and some pocket money. I do have work Saturday, but sleep is an option, not always part of the plan. What shall we do?
Nov 01, 2006 01:10
Wilde had his bath this afternoon instead of the evening, because I knew there wouldn't be time later. Then we went to my mother's, and she comments on the hair.
Grandma: You smell sweet, just like roses.
Wilde: Yes, black roses.