Albums For Your Island - Revolver [Sixty-Third Show Playlist]

May 29, 2007 23:00

Album: Revolver - The Beatles
Introduction: August 5, 1966
1) "Taxman"
2) "Eleanor Rigby"
3) "I'm Only Sleeping"
Information: Continued band's expansion into more serious pop lyrics with different sounds. First use of backmasking on "I'm Only Sleeping". Development of automatic double tracking, became a pop standard.
4) "Love You To"
5) "Here, There And Everywhere"
Live PSA
Information: George Harrison's influence on album: wrote three songs, used Indian music. "Taxman" featured first explicit reference to public figures. "Yellow Submarine" was most lighthearted track.
6) "Yellow Submarine"
7) "She Said She Said"
8) "Good Day Sunshine"
Recorded PSA
9) "And Your Bird Can Sing"
10) "For No One"
11) "Doctor Robert"
Information: "She Said She Said" was inspired by an LSD trip with Peter Fonda. "Tomorrow Never Knows" was a major psychedelic track; featured looped effects and a processed lead vocal.
12) "I Want To Tell You"
13) "Got To Get You Into My Life"
Campus Announcement
Information: Cover features a mix of line drawings of band and photographs
14) "Tomorrow Never Knows"

This was my last edition of this show and I think I played an excellent album. While musicforthemorningafter may never be on a list of the 100 Greatest albums, Revolver is usually in the top five. And it's not an exaggeration - this is a superior album. If you tuned in, you'd know why. I'd like to do this show again; it was a neat experiment. Tune in the station sometime in the fall for more fun.

[I've gone back and edited the titles to count the shows in a continuous processsion.]

shows, albums for your island, the beatles, playlists

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