1) "It's Still Rock And Roll Intro" - Quasar
2) "And She Was" - Talking Heads - Little Creatures
3) "What A Good Boy" - Barenaked Ladies - Gordon
4) "Happy Days" - Brian Wilson - Imagination
Activity Announcement, Live PSA
5) "Close But No Cigar" - "Weird Al" Yankovic - Straight Outta Lynwood
6) "Oh Bury Me Not" - Johnny Cash - American Recordings
7) "Running To Stand Still" - U2 - The Joshua Tree
Recorded PSA
8) "House Always Wins" - OK GO - Oh No
9) "Atlantic City" - Bruce Springsteen
10) "Father And Son" - Cat Stevens - Tea For The Tillerman
This week's show was a special edition. In honor of Parent's Weekend (and because of the Phi Eta Sigma induction ceremony at 6:00 on Friday), my show was on Saturday at 5:00. Instead of preparing songs for the show myself, I had my brother, mother and father each choose three songs that they wanted to play. My brother chose "And She Was," "Close But No Cigar," and "House Always Wins." My mother chose "What A Good Boy," "Running To Stand Still," and "Atlantic City." My father chose "Happy Days," "Oh Bury Me Not" and "Father And Son."
It was a solid show; many people listened and visited. My parents sat outside the studio on a bench while my brother assisted me in my DJ duties. I felt proud of the show as a whole.
My next show will be on October 20 at the normal time. Tune in for some interesting things - there are some new ideas that I've had for the show.
[I've gone back and edited the titles to count the shows in a continuous processsion.]