you're what? 23? 24? living at home while you get a masters is nowhere near being a 'failure'. if you were 30 and facing moving back in with mommy and daddy with no desire to continue your education...that would be another story entirely.
DC is a difficult place to make it at our age, there are a few people who are exceptional, or who have connections that aide in their success. the economy is in the shitter and you're living in one of the most expensive cities in the country. i feel ya, dublin is one of the most expensive cities in the world and i'm having a difficult time finding work.
and at this point in your life you never know where you're going to be a month or a year from now. don't let that keep you from dating. you never know what opportunities you may find. i wasn't looking to date for the same reason when i met daragh, and because i just said 'fuggit' and threw caution into the wind i have had a chance to live in another country and broaden my horizons.
my s/n is maygunjoys if you ever need to talk or vent.
Comments 1
DC is a difficult place to make it at our age, there are a few people who are exceptional, or who have connections that aide in their success. the economy is in the shitter and you're living in one of the most expensive cities in the country. i feel ya, dublin is one of the most expensive cities in the world and i'm having a difficult time finding work.
and at this point in your life you never know where you're going to be a month or a year from now. don't let that keep you from dating. you never know what opportunities you may find. i wasn't looking to date for the same reason when i met daragh, and because i just said 'fuggit' and threw caution into the wind i have had a chance to live in another country and broaden my horizons.
my s/n is maygunjoys if you ever need to talk or vent.
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