Law Enforcement

Aug 25, 2004 20:18

There are some things that you have to deal with in law enforcement that you can't even prepare yourself for.

Tonight, I saw the worst thing I've ever seen in my 21 years on this earth.

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Comments 4

left_to_roam August 26 2004, 03:49:43 UTC
Are you okay honey? I'm sorry you had a bad day!


just_duckie August 26 2004, 04:14:37 UTC
I'm really sorry honey.... (())
I ♥ you


apestyle August 26 2004, 07:07:00 UTC
If you need to talk about it, you can email me or we can IM.


djbj August 27 2004, 04:04:50 UTC
Thanks Tim. Unfortunately, it's one of those things that I can't talk about until the case is over. I'll probably make a friends only post about it in a month or so.


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