whos Sarah Glenn Park? cause that girl that just commented isnt Sarah GLENN Park. hahahaha thats funny. you really disgust me like i cant describe it at all. and im sorry that i am leaving these anynomous its just that if i left them with a name im afraid you might come and stalk me and creep me and just be the sick ass pervert that you are.
girl, you are craaaazy....just because he's a hormonally raged boy, does not mean he is a pervert or a stalker. He's a nice boy, saying that he misses his friend...nothing wrong with that.
thanks for the suppose <3 yeah she's a good kid very nice pretty and everything but I guess i'm not good enough to be a friend of hers.. yeah those people are pretty retarded, that bothers me they don't have the guts to step up, screw them.
Comments 13
step up
hey anthony!!!! im sry u miss her, whoever her may be
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