Always always

Feb 16, 2006 15:24

So... Let's see. Tons of stuff has been going on this month. I'll

This spring begins the 2nd semester of school for me at LSU. Also, it's the first time I've stayed at a school for more than one semester. I'm definitely happier here, so I think I'll stay for awhile.

When I started this semester, I only had 12 hours scheduled - because all my other classes said I didn't meet their prereqs. Which I did. So, after getting that fixed, I have 18 hours now. Probability, Finite-Dimensional Vector Spaces, Greek and Roman Mythology, Heroes through Poetry in the Ages, Intro to Sociology, and Intermediate French. Decent schedule, I guess.

I started this semester off pretty poorly. I didn't go the first few days, then I got sick, so I didn't go to class. Then I had missed several days of classes so I didn't feel like going. Then it was like the third week of school and I hadn't even been to some of my classes. Well, working on that now. I've at least been to all of my classes, and I go to (most) of them on a regular basis. I don't go to sociology, because there are only 4 tests, and they come directly from the book. I made a 100 on the 1st test without ever going to class once, so I just read the stories instead. Mythology is a bit more challenging, because the teacher tests directly from his lecture, using the book as a "supplemental source," so I have to go to class there. I made a 72 on my mythology test last week - which makes me sad, because I definitely know at least 2^n more mythology than sociology. I've been going to French, and it's a pretty fun class - I really love my teacher. Other than that, Heroes through poetry and the ages is.. okay. It's early in the morning, but we're reading epics, so I enjoy that. I've also read almost every story we're reading in the class, so that makes it easier.

My two math classes are pretty fun. Both of my professors are delightfully eccentric. FDVS is going a little slowly, especially for being a graduate-level math course, but we're taking a much more theoretical and complete outlook than a normal Linear Algebra class would be. My first test didn't involve solving a single system of equations - it was all theory and proofs. I think I did pretty well on it, but I won't get it back until Friday.

Probability is fun, though I hadn't been going.. because I didn't have a book. Of course, that's just my excuse, and the real reason I didn't go is because I'm lazy. So I finally sucked it up and spent an extra $30 buying the book at the union, and I'm waiting for my claim to be processed at because some asshole didn't send me the book I paid for, nor will he respond to any of my messages. I just took my first probability test, and I either made an A or a C. I'm not sure which yet.. but I'm fairly certain I didn't make a B. I either did very well on it, or made a serious mistake and lost 1/5 of the points on the test.

Aside from classes.. I've been fairly busy this semester. At the beginning, I went on a shopping spree. I had been wanting to buy a DDR pad and a ps2 for a long time, and I finally got around to doing it. So, I went to the mall, and I bought a ps2, and I got Romancing Saga, and Kessen 4, and DDR Max 1/2 and Xenosaga. I also bought a pad from Gamestop, which I knew I shouldn't have done, but I did anyway. Well, while I was at the mall, buying all sorts of electronica and games, I figured I should buy some socks to wear while playing DDR. So, I went to JC Penney's since I had a $200 gift certificate card my Aunt gave me for my birthday/christmas. On my way to the socks, I saw that there were tons of things on sale, and so I bought this nice yellow shirt, since I only own 2 yellow shirts (I figured I needed more than 2), I also bought the same shirt in blue, because, obviously, my favorite color is blue. Then I bought three more shirts, and I began to trudge toward the shoes/socks. Before I got there, however, I saw this kick ass bath robe that I had to buy, along with some new undergarments. Then I get to the shoe section, and those are on sale too!! Buy 1, get 50% off ! So, obviously, I had to buy 2 pairs of shoes. I bought some new sandales (flip-flops, really), since my old ones were literally falling apart, and I bought a pair of shoes. I've actually been wearing the shoes, too. For the first time in years, I'm wearing shoes and it's not because I'm required to wear them at work. So, then I finally bought some socks. Gold toe, performance-enhancing socks. I trudge to the customer service desk, and some old guy wonders if I'm a transvestite, or just buying for my girlfriend - after which his wife lets him know that they look like guy clothes to her. So, the total is some number in the hundreds, and I leave feeling quite satisfied with my purchases.

But! On the way out, I passed the rug gallery, and je me suis demandé, "I need a nice rug to put in my apartment." So I went inside, but most of the rugs were $100+, and I didn't want to spend that much on a rug. Then I saw several beautiful paintings that I absolutely loved, and the owner came and we talked about art and the paintings for awhile, and he offered me a huge discount on the painting I was looking at, because I shared his opinions on art and how many people don't appreciate it these days - especially anything you have to interpret for yourself. So, he gave me this $100 painting for $60, and obviously, I had to buy it. I went, put all my bags in my car, so that I could actually.. carry my painting. And on my way back, I was so tired from spending several hours shopping and carrying around 5 bags, that I spent $20 to have a 30 minute message from some old guy that collects civil war bullets. So... now. Let's recap:

  • Electronics Boutique
    • Playstation 2
    • Romancing Saga
    • DDR Max
    • Xenosaga
    • Memory Card
    • RF Converter
  • Gamestop
    • DDR Pad
    • DDR Max 2
    • Air-in-a-bottle
  • The Rug Gallery
    • A Painting(wtf?)
  • JC Penney
    • 4 shirts, including yellow!
    • Awesome bath robe
    • Badass Pajama Pants
    • Boxers, and Boxer-briefs
    • Goldtoe Socks
    • A Pair of Shoes
    • A Pair of flip-flops
  • The Mall
    • Gyro Sandwich
    • Massage from old guy

So, yeah. I kinda spent a lot of money. But, while I was there, I scheduled an eye exam the next day. So, I went back, and got an eye exam, bought a new pair of glasses, and a pair of contacts. Which means even more $! But, I was pleased with the results.

So, this semester began with a stint of both sloth and gluttony. What better way to begin a spring semester?
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