What is the outlook for the actuarial job market over the next few years?

Feb 16, 2006 16:04

Chapter 2 -

So, considering I'm writing this in the present, which is the soon-to-be-past, things might not be so chronologically sensical. But, that's life.

Paige came to visit a few weekends ago, and it was marvelous, marvelous fun. We played DDR until my feet fell off, and we unlocked everything on DDR Max 2. We talked, and cuddled, and she cleaned my entire apartment. It was quite amazing -nods- SheWe rearranged my living room, and I like it much better the way it is. The only thing we didn't do was hang my painting up, which my zesty italian boyfriend has been saying we'll/he'll do for several weeks now. Paige also made her famous chili, which wasn't as good as the first time I had it, but that was to blame on my lack of spices.

After Paige left, Tyler and I had quite the talk. Very.. emotional. We decided that we would be more open and honest with each other than we had been, and I think that's a good thing. This semester he and I have been spending much more time together, even though we're both still pretty busy. Also, I've been seeing John quite frequently, which makes me verily happy, as last semester I only saw him a scant number of times.

This semeter I'm also working in the Math lab as a tutor. It's a fairly interesting job - I like it. I actually wish it was a little more busy, or less busy, because sitting in there with nobody to help isn't fun, but someone needs help every so often such that concentrating on a difficult assignment is fairly impossible, unless you're one of the tutors that doesn't really care and just does their homework while other tutors actually work. Though, often there are more tutors in the lab than need be at the time, so it's not like it's a big deal. John and I used to work together, and that was quite enjoyable, but now I no longer work in the afternoons because of my new job.

I was accepted for an actuarial intern at Louisiana Workers' Compensation Corporation, which completely kicks ass, since, you know, I want to be an actuary. My boss is a casualty/property actuary, and that's what I want to be, so it's just completely perfect. Though, for a business that only sells workers' comp, there's no need for a health/life insurance actuary. Anyway, I start next Monday, and I'm pretty excited. I'll most likely be working 15 hours a week, and this summer I'll be working full time - which means I can't go to advance. Which makes me a very, very sad panda. But, on the upside, I'll be gaining valuable work experience in the field that I'll actually be working in for the rest of my life, while building a nice resumé and making 6 times the amount I would be at ADVANCE. While the money isn't the reason I'm working there, it is fairly important when you're supporting yourself, I'd say.

Aside from seeing John, my special visit with Paige, working in the math lab and trying to digest 3 weeks of mythology, sociology, probability, and french before my first test last week, I've been playing shitloads of DDR. Pretty soon I'll be playing regularly on heavy, which is kick-ass. I went back and got AAs on all the light songs except for Max Unlimited, and then I turned it off, without saving, so that really pissed me off. I'm going back and redoing those AAs, then I'm working on not sucking at Heavy. I can make a few As/few Bs on heavy, I made a AA on Dream a Dream, which is the most perfect song for me, but mostly I get C's and Ds on songs.

And I'd just like to say that I have the most awesome boyfriend in the world. For Valentines Day, he came over to my apartment and cooked spicy coconut shrimp, chili-lime (very spicy) chicken, coconut milk jasmine rice, with a lovely salad and asparagus, and chocolate fondue using strawberries for desert. It was a lovely, and delicious, candlelit dinner. With Spumante.
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