Dec 11, 2010 02:22
- 06:25:24: Your heightened self-esteem could make you feel invincible tod... More for Sagittarius
- 07:40:51: @ theblackestbird lol, this reminds me of me and my rants being shared by all and sundry. =P
- 07:41:48: @ theblackestbird sorry for butting in, this comment just made me ~nostalgic. I need to get back into HiH and Flourish, ugh.
- 07:46:34: I need to make an update on my lj, it's being horribly disused lately (probably because I miss my paid journal), and all I've been doing on
- 07:48:02: it has been lurking ontd_glee, ontd_merlin and merlinxarthur, lately. HiH, I miss you and your crazy shit! And I miss having my shop. =(
- 07:49:03: I have a loooot to update, lol. These last couple months have been interesting to say the least.
- 07:49:39: And now I'm getting off twitter and finishing my tea before I go out on the floor.
- 10:15:16: @ hope_guides_me we should! Lol, mainly cause I don't remember if we have already or not >.>
- 12:15:27: @ hope_guides_me haha, I remember that! Wasn't it something to do with flourish?
- 12:16:23: @ hope_guides_me btw, I totally added you!
- 12:17:50: I love my coworkers, LOL =D
- 16:19:11: RT @EpicTweets_: The innocent girls turn into sluts, the bestfriends turn into the enemy, the loser becomes popular, and trustworthy bec ...
- 16:21:58: @ hope_guides_me ah, I thought that's what it was =) I still love you both, though! <3
- 16:22:14: @ hope_guides_me also, YAY
- 20:50:09: RT @ZodiacFacts: #ZodiacFacts Flattery is the most powerful weapon that can be used with the average #Scorpio person.
- 20:50:16: RT @ZodiacFacts: #ZodiacFacts #Scorpios have large self-esteem and approbativeness to match
- 20:51:10: RT @ZodiacFacts: #ZodiacFacts #Sagittarius rarely make mistakes when they follow their own inspirations,but are sure to be led astray if ...
- 20:51:33: RT @ZodiacFacts: #ZodiacFacts #Sagittarius are distinguished for minding their own business and keeping their own secrets.
- 20:51:39: RT @ZodiacFacts: #ZodiacFacts #Sagittarius people are born busy, and keep busy under all circumstances.
- 23:19:38: @ FoxyMsMoxie I can't wait to hear how MCR is! *needs to listen to Black Keys, never heard them before*
- 23:24:55: @ unapologise ..... WAT? WHAT THE HELL HAVE I MISSED???
- 23:47:10: @ unapologise supernatural! .... I've sort of not watched any of the new season except the first four eps.
- 23:48:53: @ unapologise haha, I've been trying! I have all the eps, except tonight's obv, I just have had a lot going on, or forget to watch >.>
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