The Last Airbender - Book One: Water

Jul 01, 2010 03:37

I tried. I tried so hard, Mr. M Night. I showed up more than 3 hours before the 12:30am showing to give you a pretty healthy benefit of the doubt...

If I were your children, I would nut shot you then continue to grind on them with the heel of my shoe and just scream batshit, bloody, berserker, bombastic, befuddled, beastly, bubonic, blistery, ballistic things at you. I'd go more apeshit on you than Azula would.


If you're gonna sit there and tell people about how much you love the series, and how it was a family event to sit down and watch, then you DO NOT fuck it up to this EPIC PROPORTION. I sadly find myself agreeing with Robert Ebert in saying that there's not really any sort of saving grace for this movie. Even as someone that HASN'T seen any of the original Avatar series I wouldn't have been impressed at all.

I was pretty certain of it before but I know for a FACT now that this was NOT a good match. If you want to PRODUCE it, FINE, but for fucks SAKE, you should've let someone else do the directing AND writing.

You had a DP that did ALL of the Lord of the Ring movies but you must've told him to FUCK OFF with every idea he had for the battle sequences because they were ooooooohhhhh so craptastic.

Even the CG was barely likable because they didn't bother to follow up with it. Katara fumbles water bending, it supposedly falls on Sokka off screen, he stands up...uhh why is he dry? Throw fire, hits are the SCORCH MARKS?! And WTF did the fire benders need to have already existing fire to bend with?! BWUH??!?!?

Movie should've been at least 2 hours long considering it's 20 episodes of material you have to pick and choose form, and even with those 1.5 hours, you did the VERY bare bones minimum. Fire nation bad, everyone else good, go smash, RAWR! There was no heart or soul to it AT ALL.

Oh, and for someone that watched the entire series, how can you FUCK UP the pronunciation of their NAMES? SOW-KUH? EE-ROW? AWNNG?!

...I could go on and on and on but...the best way I can put it is that I probably would've been better off watching ECLIPSE.


It's a little sad that this is kinda my 'comeback' entry, using an ATLA icon and blech...

*facepalms, shakes head and goes to sleep*
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