Kimberly is the #24 most common female name.
0.504% of females in the US are named Kimberly.
Around 642600 US females are named Kimberly!
source *puke*
Compton is the #902 most common last name.
0.013% of last names in the US are Compton.
Around 32500 US last names are Compton!
namestatistics.comWoah. Am I missing family
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Comments 2
stacy is the #180 most common female name.
0.121% of females in the US are named stacy.
Around 154275 US females are named stacy!
iverson is the #2226 most common last name.
0.006% of last names in the US are iverson.
Around 15000 US last names are iverson!
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