Ladies? :D
most of you know the epic epicness of the last time I went to the Calgary Expo... lets try to make it epic epiccy epicness! eeeeeeeeeepiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiic.
lol sorry i'm overcaffienated
SO, we're thinking of the Calgary Expo in April 2016, and maybe a fundraising page so those of us who can't afford fly fly tickets CAN afford fly fly tickets.
I started a thread at the Cell because I find it easier to find and navigate. it's always there, whereas LJ entries get lost real easily.
so yeah, clicky the link, lemme know if you're interested :D We all, together, raiding Calgary and making fangirl messes of ourselves. Boomstick Style. :D
The gofundme site, if you would like to donate, come or no,
And if you ARE coming, share the link around, the money's to help us all get there :)