Title: Messing Up Ianto
Fandom: Torchwood
Pairing: John/Ianto/Jack
Rating: Adult
Warnings: violence/rough play
Wordcount: 887
Summary: PWP - the title says it all.
Spoilers: none, but it won't make as much sense unless you're familiar with Captain John Hart (Kiss Kiss Bang Bang, Exit Wounds).
Messing Up Ianto )
Comments 5
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And Ianto's a far dirtier boy the people give him credit for I think. Jack didn't just go for the eyecandy ;)
i always knew Ianto had a dark side i also love your other fictions you seriously need to write more very good Jantos are hard to come by but you make them amzing everytime i think you need to include some of jack getting abused next that wld really be cool *just an idea* thank you so much
kt xxxx
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